chapter 11 (finally!!)

Start from the beginning

" imma go up stairs and change really quick" i informed. they nodded and I ran up the stairs in my slippery sock grabbing onto the handle bar for support. when I was about to go in my room and change I heard speaking comming from asami's room which was right next to mine. I forgot about changing and tiptoed over to asami's door to find it wide open.

" It's ok tsubasa im not mad at you so lift you head I forgive you so it's all good now" I heard asami say. i then peeked around the door rim and peered in side what I saw was astonishing..... they were about to kiss!! my mind squealed as there lips touched. OMG there kissing!!! my mind was screaming with shock and surprised.

" Ma-madoka must tell madoka" I blurted then jumped up off my knees and began to run down the stairs I slipped around almost falling several times will using the door handle to hold me up. I then heard giggling from the room behind but I continued to run anyway almost going tumbling down the stairs.

Madoka's pov

I woke up with ginger hair in my face I blushed just remembering that ginga had slept with me. I stared at his sleeping face admiring how cute he looked when he slept. he looked so innocent. to busy starring at his face I didn't realize that he was beginning to wake up, his eyes then fluttered open, my eyes met his gaze then realizing I was starting at him I turned my head quickly to keep him from seeing my red face I then scurried out of bed meeting the floor but not with my feet. my legs got caught in the blanket and as I tried to get out of bed I face planted with my legs over my head as if I was trying to touch my shoulders with my feet.

"MADOKA!!!! are you ok?!" I heard ginga ask when he saw I face planted.

"Yea-yea I'm fine " I said trying to stand up but slipping and falling again because of the blanket this time I was facing the ceiling not the floor. ginga then offered me a hand and I took it but instead of him helping me up I ended up pulling him off the bed. ginga was now on top of me. I blushed realizing the position we where it. we both looked at each other then we hurried out of the position and sat on the floor with our backs to each other both of our faces a deep red.

"U-um are you hungry ill make you breakfast" I asked while stuttering a little.

"U-um yea " he replied he to stuttering.

" Ok let's go!" I kind of yelled no longer remember the little bed accident. I grabbed his hand and raced down the stair into the kitchen, I started to make breakfast I was making bacon, eggs, sausage, and pancakes I was planning on making everyone breakfast but I'm not going to make it right away so their food wouldn't get cold I make it when they wake up right now I'm just making mine and ginga's.

" Yo madoka make us some too" I heard someone yell.

"Oh you guys are awake I see" I said noticing kyoya and ayano.

" I'm gonna go up stair and change really quick", ayano informed. she then ran up stair to change. after a long time I finally served kyoya and ginga food.

"How come ayano isn't back yet?" I asked beginning to worry

"I don't know." kyoya answered not worrying at all.

Asami's pov

Ayano ran down the stair to madoka I giggled and pulled tsubasa by the hand down the stair into the kitchen.

"Madoka madoka! asami just kissed tsubasa!!" ayano yelled. even though the pan wasn't cizaling anymore.

"WHAT?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!"madoka practically screamed.

"Yup I just saw " ayano answered.

"Haha we did kiss it was just natural " I butted in. they then turned and noticed us standing there.

"O-oh asami.... I hope your not bothered by me telling madoka and ginga" ayano said sounding kind of guilty.

"Hey hey it's ok honestly " I replied shaking my hands dismisivly.

"so are you guys a couple now or something?" madoka asked.

"o-oh um u-uh i dont know depends on if tsubasa wants to or not" i answered. my voice unsteady.

" i... i uh dont mind being a couple." tsubasa answered.

"Haha, lookie there, they're a couple" I heard ayano say. I then Felt heat rise to My face as I started to blush along with tsubasa.

"So are you 2 a couple?" I heard madoka ask.

"I-I guess so." Me and tsubasa replied.


An: sry I didn't update in forever i just really do like updating on my phone but you know imma try to get over it for the good of the fans so wish me luck XD.

Asami: haha ryuga it's a go.

Ryuga: what's a go, oh I know your a go.....Ing away from me.

Asami: ohh that's mean ryuga.

Ryuga: I am mean, I'm mean itself, I'm the very definition of mean and do I care no.

Me: - glares at ryuga - you dick! asami's so innocent.... well I think she is..... but still she did noTHING TO YOU! gharr, ~grows large with horns and fire round her, then talk in demonic scary voice~ IMMA KILL YOU RYUGA YOU BRAT.

Ryuga: uuahh! crap she's comming for me! oh and btw brat is a Barbie doll thing len.

Me: how would you know that, and do I look like I care about brats?

Ryuga: I know because I'm smart, and yes??

Me: oh you idiot am I some idiot to you? and you smart... haha fun fun joke.

Ryuga: oh shut up maybe I can be smart, and yes I do think your an idiot.

Me: ghar, ~ stomps after ryuga in giant form again.

Ryuga: haha sucker. ~ continues to lay under her shoe laises.

Me: grr where are you ryuga? come out come out where ever you are!

Ryuga: I like laying here her stomping makes it feel like a personal massage chair.

Me: there you are! ~ yanks ryuga off my shoe laises~

Ryuga: no I'm done for!!!!

Asami: kagamineXlen does not own beyblade or me but she owns the story and the other oocs.

Madoka: please comment and star/ like.

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