Chapter 1- bro..?

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You know the fanfic inserts right? Yeah you do but I guess I'll just remind you. (Y/N) your name, (Y/F) your friend/ best friend, (y/h/c) your hair color, (y/e/c) your eye color, and (y/p/p) your pet peeve. ⚠️And btw, the first two chapters you aren't as good friends with the twins...yet...

~6:00 am, your house~
" Get up! Get up! Get up!" I hear my mom yell as she bursts into my room," You cannot miss the train! Now that would be a problem, cause I won't be able to take you!" I roll over and pull my pillow over my head," Mom! The train doesn't leave for a few hours! Plus we live four blocks away! And (y/f) said she'd save me a spot with her in a booth.(whatever it's called)".
" Alright, you know it's not you I'm worried about, it's your siblings, they can tend to linger..." she sighs as she leaves the room. I can hear her down the hall at my siblings room telling (him/her) to pack. Luckily for me, I already packed. Ravenclaw, I like to think ahead, as for the rest of my family, they are all Hufflepuffs. I know what you're thinking, do I ever miss my siblings? No not really I see them quite often. As I wait for my family to be done getting ready and packing, I go to my room and get dressed. I do my hair in the mirror, I guess I'll leave it down. I put on a bit of makeup(not wanting to look like a clown) and I'm ready.
" Mom, Im ready." I say.
" Alright everyone to the car!"
~Train Station, 20 minutes till departure~

As we get there my mom begging to give us a list of dos and donts"
"Mom, we go over this every year. I will be fine, nothing bad ever happens at Hogwarts." This was my fifth year attending. Hogwarts is like home, Im safe there. Well except when those two twins from Gryffindor try to pull pranks on everyone. Me and my best friend, (y/f) are their main targets, but I'm not totally sure why...but I don't tell my mom that. I know she wouldn't really be okay with it. I love her, but she's quite the worrier.
" Oh I suppose you're right, after all you can take care of yourself right?" I nod in response.
" Okay, good. I'll see you at Christmas time! Remember to write me!" She smiles.
"We will mom, don't worry." We all say in unison. She gives us all a hug and says goodbye. We get on the train. My siblings go to go sit with their friends, so I go look for (y/f). I go past a few rooms when out the window of one I see two identical flame colored hair boys boarding the train.
"Oh please no, please don't see me!" I begin to fast walk down the hall, I know if they see me they'll have a surprise in store for me.
I finally see (y/f) in a compartment and I bolt inside as fast as I can and close the doors.
" Why do you seem so...frazzled?" She asked. She definitely has a different vocabulary. " I saw the twins and were scared they'd see me."
" The Weasley twins?"
" Oh yeah! They're kinda- never mind."
"Kinda what?"
She got flustered and shoved paper in her mouth.
" Oh that's lovely dear..." I say with a smirk.
" Well I'd say!"
" definitely!" I turn to see who had just said that, all I can do is face palm. The twins were right in the doorway. " (y/f) is this why you shoved that paper in your mouth?" She nodded slightly. " Alrighty then..." I say.
" Hey, so would you mind if we-" one of them started but I cut them off,"Fine, just sit down."
They laugh and enter," Great! You guys are my favorite Ravenclaws!" They say with a laugh.
(y/f)'s face flushed and she covered her face with a bag.
" Uhm...she's not much of a talker, is she?" Fred asked. " Well, she talks. She talks A LOT. She just, is just embarrassed easily. She is weird around guys."
"Attractive guys..?" George asked with a grin spreading across his face. " Oh my gosh you guys are ridiculous." I roll my eyes. They start to laugh. As they do the rest of the ride. I don't pay much attention, I don't really care for guys. I think (y/f) might, but I don't know for sure. Boys are a waste of time and mind. I don't want to get caught up in this drama only to get my heart broken.
~Freds pov~
Jeez, I feel like (y/n) doesn't like us. She seems annoyed that we came to sit with her. Her friend on the other hand...I don't really know what's going on with her... But I hope that (y/n) is just in a bad mood. Cause who wouldn't love us twins? We're the bomb! Anyways, I will find a way for them to like us. It will be easy. I'll have to tell George my plan though.

~ At Hogwarts, after the sorting~
Your POV
The sorting is done and it just reminds me that I still cannot believe it, though it's been two years. The all famous Harry Potter is going to Hogwarts with us. That guy is like, my spirit animal! After all the trouble That happened to him the past years I would think he wouldn't want to come back. I turn to look at the Gryffindor table to take a glance at the Potter boy. But as I look over in that direction I see Fred looking right at me, he gives a sly smile and looks away to whisper something to George. I turn back around but I can feel their eyes on me.
" (y/f), did you just see Fred staring at-"
" Fred? No my back was turned. All I can see is that new Slytherin kid is going to get into more trouble..."
I laugh at what she said, yeah Malfoy seems to be a handful. Rich kids, am I right?
I turn back around to look at Fred, just what I was afraid of, he was looking right at me, or in my direction anyways. He gave a wink and it made me really uncomfortable so I had to turn around.
I gave a small shudder,
" What's wrong?" (Y/f) asks. " Nothing. It's nothing to worry about." She shrugs and and continues to joke with the people around us. As I sit there uncomfortable, wondering if he's still watching me.
I stand up motioning to my friend to come with. "I'm done, how about you?" She nods,"yeah let's go!". We stand up and start walking. "What is this year we find a giant moth in our rooms?" She asks. " I would be like, 'um...' and ask for help to get it out."
" Oh but what's the fun in that?! Why not name it?"
"What would you name it exactly?"
" Brad!"
" Oh for crying out loud..."
Our pointless conversations go on until we get to the Ravenclaw common room. (Y/f) asks for the riddle but she's laughing too hard at one of the words in the sentence(that she thought was funny) so I had to answer. " Water Tension!" I say enthusiastically. The portrait swung forward revealing the entrance. We walk in and up the stairs.
"(Y/f), I have a question." My friend asks me. "Uh...What is it..?" I comment back nervously. " What are your opinions on the twins?"
" Um, why do you ask..?"
" Today you seemed annoyed by them, but they were with us on the train the whole ride and didn't pull a single prank. Something seems Okay off." I sit and process what she just said. She was right. This is a little weird. Something is off, and I kind of want to find out what it is.

Sorry to interrupt but tell me if you find anymore typos please😅

also yes I'm aware there are some mistakes. I'm not stupid I know what I'm talking about. I just get confused with all my stories. Thanks.

(Hi guys, I started writing this years ago and low key hate it so it's gonna be undergoing some changes. So, please excuse that. Thanks— Nov/7/2020)

A Troublesome PairDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora