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We went in the airport and went through all the checking stages, we are just waiting for our flight at 10pm. It was now 9:45pm.

I looked at the guys. I will really miss them. That house was the best choice i ever made.

We were now boarding the plane. We sat at our seat, we were in a private room only for us. Cool.

Suddenly, there was banging at the door. Loud, vigurous banging. I got scared. Then Jimin hugged me, i felt safe with him, i do love him and i always will.

Suddenly, the door opened wide. A Grim was there with his gang of 10.

I gulped.

The guys except Jimin fought, each of them dying.

Tae ran to the Grim but he got stabbed right in the heart. Jungkook was next but his neck was slashed. Then Jhope but his head was squished, blood splattering everywhere. Came up next was Namjoon but before he could go, i went to him.

Me: "they guys are dying by order, maybe if we disrupt the order they wont kill us."
Namjoon: "What?"

I ran in front og the Grim. He didnt do anything.

Me: "they are not killing me because it is not the order they were told."
Jin: "what is the order?"
Jimin: "Tae, Jungkook, Jhope, Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Me and the Princess."
Namjoon: "they wouldnt have come here if the Princess was not here."

Suddenly, everyone looked at me.
Jin: "you are the Princess!?!? But i look better than you!!!"
Me: "Anyhow, everyone except Namjoon, attack."

We all charged except for Namjoon. I ran to the maintenece and asked for some wires, they gave it to me and i gave it to Namjoon.
Me: "make an electricuting thing and when you will push the button, tell me so i can round up the guys."

He nodded. He then made an electricuting thingy (like the one in the hunger games. The thing that electricutes the sand thing). I then got 5 tasers, well, stole 5 tasers from the guards, they didnt find out.

I ran to the guys and gave them each a taser, leaving one for me.

I then told them to fight one by one. We helped each other but the Grims didnt give up. Namjoon then called me, i rounded up the guys and Namjoon started to electricute, we didnt die because we had rubber suits, which i stole from some weird guy.

The Grims started to twitch, suddenly, blood splattered everywhere. They died.

We were celebrating our victory when Namjoon fell to the ground. I checked the time 11:55pm. oh no. I started to sob.

Suddenly, Jin and Yoongi fell down too then their bodies turned to ash.

I looked at Jimin, he went to me and kissed me, i cried while kissing him and he did too. He then pulled away.

Me: "remember for me."

Suddenly, he handed me a bag with some money and the stuff they gave to me yesterday.

Jimin: "no, you remember for me and find me in our next lives."
Me: "what do you mean?"

Suddenly he twisted me and i got stabbed by a Grim. The guards noticed and killed the Grim, even if it looked weird.

Jimin layed me on his lap at the floor.
Jimin: "you saved my life, you will remember. Please find us in your next life, i love you."

Suddenly, he closed his eyes and fell on me. My vision turned black.

Now, i was looking at my lifeless body. I think my soul separated from my body. I looked at Jimin's body. He looked so peaceful. I then bent down and kissed his lips. "I promise that i will remember.....for you. I love you." I kissed his lips once again.

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