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Authors note
For this book, BTS will show up soon, i promise.

Authors noteFor this book, BTS will show up soon, i promise

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I got into a cab and said where i needed to go.

When we arrived, I opened the door, went out and paid.

I went in the building and ran to the information counter.
"hello, how may i help you?" A guard greeted.

I was surprised by how formal he was. This wasn't a usually greeting I would get from a guard.
"you dont recognize me?" I asked curious.
"who are you?" He asked.
"you must be new, am i right?" I asked with disbelief.
"yes i am new and it is not your position to as that. Now tell me, WHO ARE YOU!?!?" He asked with overreaction.

My eyes widened

"well, let me tell you. I am the heir of YG entertainment." I said with pride.

I love lying

Suddenly, another person spoke.
"stop lying" i recognized his voice.
,hello, Park Chanyeol." I said while looking to his direction.
"hello" he faced me then started facing the guard
"this girl is a trainy here. She trained for a year, solved a case and had our last boss imprisoned." He explained

"why did our last boss need to be imprisoned?" The new guy asked.
"because-" i interrupted Chanyeol
"our last boss would make deals with drug dealers that are supposed to be caught. An example is he made a deal with a drug dealer that if he was payed 10,000 USD he would stop the investigation." I continued.
"she is a legend here. If you do something bad to her, she can fire you on the spot. Just like how she quit, she said it to the new boss' face in front of everyone." Chanyeol said proudly of me.

We left the guy speechless and Chanyeol brought me into his office.

"so, why are you here?" He asked seriously
"i need you to find someone" I answered
"why" he asked
"yesterday, in my new house, i saw some guys using my studio and i just want to know who they are." I said

He got a notebook and started writing about my case. He nodded.
"tell me more" he insisted
"that is it" that is it.

He looked down disappointed as if he was thinking "you are a legend here and you couldn't even find some guys?"

"tell me as a brother, not as a police officer." He said trying to get out more information
"Fine, I'll tell you all the details. So, in my new house there has been strange things happening." I said.
"what things?" He asked.
"i see shadows and hear whispers." My memories played in my head vividly, as if I was living the scene again and again.
"can i investigate?" He asked for my permission
"secretly, i dont want it to be a big thing." I demanded
"ok, so, give me the info or pics or something." He said.

I handed him the picture.

Chanyeol started laughing

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Chanyeol started laughing. He started hitting me at my back. I also found it funny but this is a serious matter for me. Who know? That deep face guy could be a killer.

I glared at him trying to hide my laughter. In an instant, his expression changed from happy to serious.
"you have no name? No hair? No nothing?" He asked for evidence.
"nope, just this pic" I sadly said.

He started scaning the pic in a scanner that can find identities with just a picture. After a few minutes, the information came out.

Chanyeol read it then slowly looked up to me with large eyes.

"this picture......the person......he....doesnt.....exist!!" He said with shock.
"i knew it!!!" I jumped in victory
"how did you know that he doesnt exist?" He asked.
"while i took his pic, he said that i will never find his info and that i will never meet him." I answered.
"since i will investigate, i will sleep in your house." He insisted.

You could be thinking, why am I letting a boy sleep with me in 1 house? Well, you see, he is like a brother to me. I love him as a brother only so I trust him with all my life.

I turned my back and started walking out his office. But I stopped when i felt a presence following me. I needed to do something so i did my famous roundhouse kick but when i did my kick, the person caught my foot, I was trapped and I would probably die if this guy is a murderer. I slowly i looked at the person's face, thank goodness it was just Chanyeol. I stood up properly.

"why did you follow me?" I asked annoyed
"i need to bring my stuff to your home so i can live there." He said his excuse
"for how long will you stay in my house?" I asked.
"until you are safe and plus, i have no money to afford a home, can i stay at your home forever?" I am being begged by my brother for him to stay in my house.
"what? A girl and a boy as rommates?!?!" I said trying to change his mind so he wouldn't have to stay with me forever.
"we are like siblings anyway, i would never do anything to a sibling." He said trying to change my mind.

I thought for a while, he got me in a trap. There is no other excuse so that he couldn't stay with me.
"fine, come on" I said annoyed.

Our walk was full of awkward silence. I hated it.

When we finally arrived at my place, I let so happy that the awkward silence was over. I then handed him a copy of the map so he wouldn't get lost.

"wow, this is big. Where are we again?" He asked
"we are at my house, xxxxx" I answered.

He looked at me with wide eyes
"the other people that lived here left after one day of staying." I furrowed my eyebrows
"why?" I asked with curiosity
"they said that they saw things and that there was a spirit that wanted them to leave." That's what I saw and heard too.
"oh well, i am not leaving." I said standing my ground.

He then patted my head.
"good job, stay strong and stay safe." He then looked at the map and headed to the Bathroom.

At that time, i heard whispers.
"wow, she brought a boy." 1 voice said
"what?" Multiple voices said together.
"what will he do to her?" 1 voice was worried.
"we need to protect her!" 1 voice wanted to be my brother.
"what?!?! Remember, we are trying to scare her away." 1 voice stood their ground.

Suddenly, i voiced out my thoughts.
"Why do you need to scare me? I mean, i payed for this house!"

My eyes were wide open. Oh no, what will they do to me now? Will they kill me since they now know that i can actally hear them.

"can you hear us?" One of them asked
"no" oh my gosh, why did i say that, obviously, now they know that i actually hear them.

I went to the nearest mirror to talk to myself and tell me everything was ok. I looked into the mirror.
"yah! Y/N! Everything will be alright, i mean you have Chan-" before i could finish, another refection came up.

I was startled so I ran far away from the mirror.

After breathing in and out and calming myself, i rubbed my eyes and looked back at the mirror. No one is there. Then what did i see a while ago? I am so freaked out.


I heard, i jumped back thinking that it was the guy that i saw in the mirror. I looked at the direction the voice came from. it was Chanyeol. I felt relieved

"hey, are you ok?" I nodded
"will it be ok if i leave you?" I looked at him with a confused look
"i need to transfer some of my stuff here." I then nodded. He leaned closer to my face, kissed my forehead then left.

Having nothing better to do,I went up to the pink room and slept.

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