Halsey is why I'm Gay.

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Halseys new album is amazing. It's currently the only thing alleging me to take a break from all the kpop I have been consuming.

Kpop is a drug.

I encourage it kids.

Anywhore, I am currently in Drivers Ed so I can get my license and drive and shit.

It's intense and I get kinda stressed whenever I'm in the class cause the Drivers Ed teacher is also my old Language arts teacher from freshman year and the end of that year was not fun.

I need my license because ima be in trilogy soon. Did I explain that in the last chapter? I'm too lazy to check. I'll explain it later. But there's early morning practices and theses no way my sister would wake up at 6:45 am to drive me to school every other day.

I will update more because I kinda fell out of the habit and it's therapeutic to write down all my useless ramblings about my stupid boring life.

~ Auri

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