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So I haven't updated much at all recently and there are a few reasons for this, from mostly because to not very much:

• Ima lazy shit.
• Cats my musical. (The first high school play in which I had more than two seven syllable lines.)
• Testing (SAGE testing look it up. It's total bullshit.)
•PE (I have to do online PE now because for more than half this quarter I was on rest because of my tendinitis).
• Practice

So that last one takes a bit more explanation. 

I have quite a few, venues I want to say,  that I'm performing in in the next month. The biggest one being my dad's schools' graduation. He teaches at a high school for students with a bad track record or bad grades or if they didn't pass a class.

You get the situation, it's the school that everyone thinks is only for bad students who can't go to normal public school cause they're 'different'.

Whenever I mention it people either say something online the lines of, "oh, my sibling/cousin went there and they loved the teachers." Or "ha, gotta hide my wallet I we're talking about these guys.". The later irks me to high heaven because most to all of them are good people, hell, the closest people I consider "friends" seem like some of the most likely candidates to go there because of their personality. I know the people there and I know the mentality it takes to get to that school. They aren't bad people and I hate it when people assume that.

Anyways back to what I was originally writing about, I'm singing at this schools graduation and I'm happy that I get to sing a song that I love - SING by My Chemical Romance - but it's in front of thousands of people. People to impress and people who will forget about me thirty seconds after I'm done.

Just a little bit stressful.

The second place is tomorrow night at my schools' awards assembly. The American National anthem. Where if you listen closely enough, even you can hear the eagle screech.

That's a little less stressful because I know everyone who's going and no matter how I sing it I know people will come up to me the next day and say good job. More fuel to my already growing fire of pride, my seventh deadly sin but I'll talk about that later. Maybe in a different chapter.

Third isn't a performance as much as it is an audition for the most prestigious choir in our school district. Better than even the high school that's supposed to have "THE BEST ART STUDENTS IN THE COUNTY" but everyone knows it's my high school. We have the original idea for it so everyone else can go suck it.

But that's next week, and I don't expect to get in cause A. I'm going to be a sophomore next year (sophomores never get in due to the amount of seniors and juniors that want in, unless their a talented guy.)  and B. The choir teacher knows I would be fine without being in it. I'm flexible like that.

I'm also in my schools talent show but let's face it, no one gives a shit about the talent show, half the student body ditches, the other half cares to much about their grades to leave.

Totally unrelated cause that's all I have to say about that, I have athletes foot and I hate it I absolutely despise it.

Also I started swim team again and I'm feel much happier actually. Other than the fact that I started it along with my period life is good. Except for the bleeding from my vagina.



~ Auri
       ~ Mc the Hammer

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