Subject 1.5 A/N

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So I have some things coming up for my story titled Subject 1.5. I'm really excited to show you guys what I've done and what I want to do with it.

Above I linked a video titled Saiko by Aero Chord. I want everyone who reads this to comment what they think the main person singing looks like/Acts in a human form. I plan on having any good ones in the story.

I have also done some concept sketches that aren't done yet.

Even so I'm eager to show this web I'm weaving with you guys, and have you help build some characters. Seriously, if you have any input at all I'd love to hear it. A way you think the character should act or speak, if you would like to write a chapter, I want to have fun with this.

Seriously, I'm not kidding. If you have any questions you can comment or DM me.

Much Thanks,

~ Auri
~ Mc the Hammer

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