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"So, about that date."

"Where did you get my phone number from?

"Vinay. I still don't trust him though."

"Okay, bye."

"Wait, wait, are you free tonight?"

"Are you?"

"I am if you are."

"Don't be cryptic, Memphis, it doesn't suit you."

"Seriously. I'm always free for you...and I have a night job so."

"Oh, right...I've been wanting to ask you, don't you have any friends? I hardly see any visitors. What happened to Meera?"

"Do I detect a hint of jealousy?"

"Please, no way."

"It's good that you trust me so much then."

"I didn't say that!"

"I think you're blushing."


"And now you're checking your cheeks if they're warm or not."


"And now you're looking around to see if I'm around the corner-"

"I'm waiting for you to shut up your nonsense so I can say yeah, tonight's fine."

"And now-wait, did I hear what I hear?"


"Shit, I didn't think you'd agree so soon!"

"Yeah, I'm surprised too. Don't make me regret this so soon."

"I haven't even thought of where to take you yet!"

"Well, isn't that just fantastic!?"

"Because I was so excited I totally forgot."

"Umm, no need to sweat about it. We can just order pizza or something and you can...come over."

"To sleep with you? Sounds good. Just kick out Vinay for the night then."

"I was thinking more along the lines of pizza and a movie and then I kick you out."

"Netflix and chill?"

"No chilling of any sort; and please don't smirk or wink or do both."

"How did you--You're no fun. Fine, I'll think of something myself. Love you, bye!"



"Uh, bye."

"Sorry, that kind of--I say that, you know, instinctively whenever I'm saying bye on the phone. Like how people say--"

"Yeah, I got it. It's okay."

"Yeah, okay, see you tonight."

"See you."



"Well, shit."


Updating from app so will dedicate when I get on the website (seriously how has wattpad not fixed this yet??). But let's just talk about that totally cute "love you, bye" and that totally nervous save after that? I think I'm falling for Memphis myself.

In another news, did you hear? The Wattys are coming. Just like *puts on Jon Snow's deep voice* The Winter is coming!

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