Truth #1

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And... this truth is from Amazinggirl1210 it's for Jay. Does he like Mal?

The Vks and Aks were sitting in Ben's dorm room, considering it is the largest. "Oh!" Exclaimed Evie.
"What's up?" Asked Carlos not even looking up from his game. But it was Jay who replied. "The sky, dude."
"Jay! I have a truth for you from my Auragram page! It says do you like Mal?"
"I'll kill you Evie" threatened Mal.
"Don't shoot the messenger!"
"Do I have to answer?"
"Yes! I don't want to disappoint my followers!"
"Sorry. I ment do I have to answer with the truth."
"Mal, Ben, you guys might want to leave."
"Oh I don't think so Jay-Jay. I want to hear what you're going to say. Consider it an early glimpse of Auragram for a friend." Mal said cooly. "Yeah" Ben said "You don't mind if I hear what you have to say about my girlfriend. Do you?" He slung his arm around Mal.
"Of course not." Jay said not amused
"So," Carlos said
"Stop being nosy Carlos!"
"You're stalling"
"Am not"
"Are too"
"Am not"
Are too"
"Am not" Jay aurgued again
"Am not"
"Are too, shoot" Jay said
"Told ya"
"Shut up Carlos"
Eveyone: "Say it already"
"What" (everyone)
"I may or may not most likely yes have a little crush like thing on Mal."
Jay blushed "But it's mostly left on the Isle now..."
"Jay! Run!" Evie yelled
Ben charged at Jay. He quickly dodged him and ran.
Carlos smirked "I knew it! He always had a thing for you! You know there was a bet on the Isle to see when you two would get together!"
"Carlos." Mal said calmly "First you may be great at running, but even you get tired. Second, no I did not know about the bet. Third, you better not have placed a bet. And last but certainly not least, run."
With that Carlos ran and Mal chased him. While that happened Evie posted the video on her page while everyone laughed.
Thanks for reading! Please comment truth or dares! And do you want me to continue writing this with a story format or with theç Me:You have a dare/truth? Thanks. Bye!

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