Chapter 19

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Nathan's POV:

"You need to pick. Me, or them." She wrinkled her nose at the last word.

"Stop being childish. You can't just make me pick! Why can't you both be my friends?" I asked.

"I don't want to constantly fight for your attention." She replied.

"That's not my problem." I said.

She seemed to rethink her offer, then started walking away.

"Forget I said anything about choosing. I'm not going to demand that from you." She yelled over her shoulder.

"Well that was weird." Mason said as he put his hand on my shoulder. I hadn't noticed he had walked up behind me and I jumped.

"Relax. It's just me." He reassured me.

* * * * *

Alyssa's POV:

That didn't go well at all. I thought Nathan would support me! I mean, we were best friends until I had to move to Florida. I tried so hard to keep in touch with him so he wouldn't forget about me. But hey, I'm back now!

I had always liked Nathan. We dated off and on for a few years before he wanted to be 'just friends'. Once I came back and saw him for the first time in years, I was stunned. He looked so different! And in a good way! My love for him immediately came back stronger than ever.

Right then, I knew I needed to have Nathan all for myself.

Then he went out with that whore he calls Ava and ruined my plan for us to be together.

Oh well. It doesn't matter, because soon Nathan will be all mine.

Now I just need to think about how to separate him from Ava.

* * * * *

After regaining my composure in the bathroom, I looked for the one person that would help me. I had heard Nathan talk about how he treated Ava before I came.

"Hey! You!" I yelled to him as he started leaving the cafeteria.

"Me?" He asked.

"Yes you." I said.

"What do you want?" He asked warily. I would be wary too if a random person came up to me in the hall.

"We need to talk." I told him as I pulled him to the janitor's closet.

After making sure the door was locked, I turned back to him.

"You could have told me you wanted to make out with me. You didn't have to grab my shirt and pull me!" He complained, rubbing his neck.

"I don't want to make out with you, dumbass. I need to ask you some questions." I explained. This guy was already getting on my nerves. I could see why Ava dumped him.

"Um, okay." He said. "What do you need to know?"

"How much do you want Ava back?" I interrogated him.

"Pretty badly. She was hot!" He admitted.

"Do you like the fact that Nathan asked her out?" I asked.

"He did?" Aiden exploded with rage.

"Yeah. He did. Would you be willing to help me separate them?"

Forever And Always ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang