Chapter 11

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Nathan's POV:

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked Ava as I pulled my car into the school parking lot.

"Yeah. I'm sure." She replied. We got out of the car and walked over to our group of friends.

"Ava! Where were you? We were worried about you!" Marie said.

"I told you, she was sick." Gabby said to Marie.

"Well, that's not the whole truth." Ava started.

She told them the whole story.

"And that's why I missed Thursday and Friday." She finished.

"Girl, I would understand if you missed a week after that!" Gabby said as she hugged Ava. Marie joined in too.

"Group hug!" I yelled as I joined in too. Soon, our whole squad (I guess you could call it that)
was squishing Ava.

"Eek! You're squishing me!" She squealed. We all laughed and let go.

"I love you guys. What would I do without you?" She asked.

"Well, you'd be really lonely and depressed to start." Mason joked.

"Well I'm gonna go to class now. Who's coming with me?" Ava asked.

"I am." I said. "I'm not leaving you to walk the halls alone."

"We are too!" Gabby said. We all walked off to Mrs. Randal's first period.

Before class started, Ava, Mason, and I went up to the teacher and asked to switch partners.

"Mrs. Randal, may I please switch partners with Mason?" Ava asked.

"Ava, I said at the beginning of the project that you couldn't switch partners." Mrs. Randal said.

"I know, but I'm having some, personal issues, with Aiden and I don't think we would be a productive group. I know Aiden and Mason are friends and I believe they would be better together." Ava said.

"Well, I guess you could. But you have less than a week to finish. I hope you have enough time to get it done." Mrs. Randal said as she went back to typing on her computer.

"Let's go finish a project." I said to a happy Ava.

* * * * *

After school, we went to the public library to finish the project. It was on the water cycle. Boring, right? Oh well. I did most of the research while she did the drawing. We were a good team.

"Hey, after this, can we go to Starbucks? I'm really craving a frappuchino right now." She said. I chuckled.

"Sure. I'm kind of in the mood for a mocha latte too." I replied.

"Yay! Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" She said as she finished coloring in the poster.

"Shhhhh!" The librarian shushed us.

"Sorry!" Ava whispered. We both started laughing but got shushed again.

"We should go before we bother her again." I whispered.

"I agree. Let's go." Ava said.

On our way home, we went to Starbucks. She ordered her frappuchino and I got my mocha latte. We chose one of the tables and sat down.

"So I finished coloring the poster thingy-" She started rambling on and on like usual. Whenever caffeine enters her system, she talks non-stop. I zoned out, also like usual.

"-and did you know that male sea horses are the ones that give birth? Hello? What are you looking at?" She asked.

I had been looking at the girl that just came in. She looked awfully familiar...

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