District Three Male || Nikolaus Salinger

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Name: Nikolaus "Niko" Salinger

Pronunciation: NEE-koh SAL-in-jer

Age: 16

District: 3

Appearance: Niko is a little odd in looks and that suits him well. His pale hair is always sticking up at odd angles, making him look like he has a habit of sticking his fingers in electrical outlets (he's only done it once and it hurt like heck, so he's never electrocuted himself on PURPOSE again). He's a rather short boy compared to some of the lankier ones in his district but he's still normal sized. His skin is an almost sickly pale, seeing as he's not outside much because of his work. Niko's absent brown eyes are always hidden behind a pair of thick glasses, without which he would be nearly blind. The weirdest part of Niko, though it makes sense if you know him, is the fact that there is writing all over him. Up his arms, on his shirt, sometimes on the legs of his pants. He's always writing things down so he won't forget or doing math or something. He often forgets he wrote on himself in the first place.

Personality: Think of the most absent-minded, forgetful, lacking-in-common-sense person you know. Add extreme creativity and a bit of evil geniusness. Multiply by 16. That's Niko Salinger. Niko is like that teacher you have that's super smart and can remember all these crazy facts but forgets your name and can never remember when to let you leave class. Of course, the number of times he's been electrocuted in his life hasn't helped his scatterbrained ways. Niko has been very sheltered his whole life, as most of it has been spent in a lab. He doesn't know much about people or loyalty of courage or anything. But he's a fast learner and very adaptable. There's a bit of calculating cold in him that he doesn't know exists. He's a bit quiet, usually lost in thought. But if you have a problem to solve or want to make a giant butterfly with laser eyes that tries to kill its creator; Niko is your guy.

Family and friends: Niko's family is just him and his dad, it's been that way as long as Niko can remember so he doesn't care. He doesn't have much in the way of friends seeing as he's busy doing his own. His lab assistant, Makayla, is the closest thing he has to a friend.

Home life: Niko has been an only child who only had his dad for almost his whole life, as far as he knows. His dad was a prestigious inventor who was well respected in Three. Niko's curiosity and absentminded creativity as well as his upbringing led him to excel in the inventing aspect of what he learned in school, though he was always bad at paying attention. By the age of twelve, he had been given his own lab space in his dad's lab and that was when Niko started to actually put his ideas into practice. He had a habit of accidentally blowing things up or electrocuting himself, so a girl named Makayla was invited to be his assistant for a generous amount of money. Niko's life was basically his inventions and his lab, that's what he had.

Education/Work: Niko learned more in his schooling than other kids in other districts, as Three's education system is a lot more challenging. So he only went to school until age twelve. After that, he was an inventor like his father.



Before- Niko is very creative, he's good at solving problems, and he's a surprisingly fast runner because he's used to running away from angry robotic creatures that went wrong.

After- Niko learned how to use throwing knives rather well after he figured out how much they weighed and then calculated the *continues boring math/science stuff*. He was also good at the plant identification thing, as he'd read about many of the plants shown to him.

Weaknesses: Niko's short-term memory is god awful. He isn't good at paying attention. Niko cannot swim. He's quite bad at knowing where he is and will get lost easily.

Token: A pen of his own design that can make ink out of most substances put in it; so he can keep writing things down.

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