Chapter 18

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So.......This book..The support....The votes...The few of you that comment...I love you homie Clarisent..

Clarisent is amazing for at least giving me an idea of what should happen in future chapters. (Plus the 'Finding Cobra' au and 'Acniper' ship. I'll talk about it in the comments)
For now if you answer a question in the comments i'll give you a shout out! Plus an opportunity to have your OC be featured in my books. (If u have one)
If I pick you. I'll message you a sheet about what I need to know about that OC (in wolf form)
Like Attitude, looks, which pack your in, if you have family or pups, etc
So enjoy this chapter!

"She isn't back yet." Acnologia mumbled as he tapped his tail, sitting on the high ledge. The sky was already dark as the moon barely entered the sky, very few wolves were trained down below and others entered the sleeping area with wolves already sleeping inside. "She's never taken this long with an assassination."
A fluffy wolf came from his den, she had navy blue fur with sky blue eyes. She sat beside Acnologia and grinned. "She must be fine," she said. "She can handle herself."

"I should have sent Adder. I should have put Viper on pup duty and sent Adder instead." Acno growled. "I know Viper has a problem killing pups. She can't handle it. Irene what Have I done?"
(Btw: this is a different Irene then the one from the manga. This is my cousin's Oc)

Irene glanced at him. "You did nothing wrong. If anything you're making her stronger." she said. "She's probably already killed them and is just eating what's left of there bodies!"
"Viper wouldn't eat pups are you mad?!" Acno snarled. "If she has a hard time killing them what makes you think she can eat them?!"

Irene rolled her eyes. "Just trying to make you feel better. If you want me to leave I ca-"
Irene snorted before standing up and jumping down the from the high ledge. "DON'T EXPECT HELP FROM ME WHEN YOU NEED IT!" she shouted.
"I WON'T NEED YOUR HELP!" Acnologia shouted back.

The alpha growled as he laid down on his stomach and sighed. So much running through his head. His ears flattened as he shut his eyes. Flashes of white and red jumped around, screams and screeches of wolves and two-legs.

He reopened his eyes, as he stood on a ocean of blood stained water. The skies were grey with red clouds and dead tree's sticking out of the water with chains hanging from the branches. Sticks also stuck out of the ground with wolf heads on them. "You're horrible with females I hope you know that." A voice said.

Acno jolted around to see a black wolf with spiked hair on his back. He had a fluffy black tail with red on the tip and blood which was stained forever on his front paws and snout. He had bandage wrapped around his head covering his eyes. He was grinning. "You absolutely suck at talking to them."

Acnologia growled. "Well at least I try."

Adder snorted and let out a laugh. "You weren't even trying! You were just being...YOU!" he continued laughing before Acnologia finally spoke up.

"Do you know where Viper is?" he asked. Adder stopped laughing and shook his head. "I'm afraid I don't," he said. "I was watching her through her eyes till what look like a tree fell on her. But let me tell you this, she cursed a pup because he insulted her parenting skills."
Acno sighed then smiled. "That what will happen when you insult a witch. She'll curse you, just like in many other stories and fairy tales."

"indeed." Adder agreed.

"Can I ask ya something, Adder" Acno asked.


"If you're blind. How can you 'see' where Viper is?"

"I can't see myself. But I can see through other wolves eyes. I see what they go through and what they do before they do it. That's what I do when I fight an enemy. I go into there eyes so I see what there gonna do so I can dodge and deliver blows. Once they look at me I enter there state of mind. In fact, Acno. I'm your head right now."

"Well get out of my head!" Acnologia said banging his head against a nearby tree, causing a chain to fall on him. "God dammit!" He shouted as he shook the chain off his neck and growled. Adder laughed, till he stopped and grinned. "Hey Princess!" he called at Acno. The male turned to him with his teeth bared. "What is it?"

"I got some signal from your woman." Adder said. "She got squished by a tree! But she's alright. Oh. Wait wait."

"What is it?!" Acno snarled as he stood in front of him.
"Calm down." Adder hissed. "She's just screeching a bunch of curse words like a banshee."
"Can you find those pups?"
"Unless I can get a transfer from her memory from at least one of pups eyes I might be able to. But she hasn't gotten a hold of herself yet so not now. Maybe in a hour."

Acnologia rolled his eyes. "Call me back here when she regains herself alright old buddy?"

Adder nodded. "Alright Princess just don't throw a tantrum!"

The male  laid down on his stomach and closed his eyes. He went through the same transfer as he did when he entered the realm, but backwards. He reopened his eyes to see where exactly he was but the moon was higher up in the sky and no wolves were below, all of them sleeping in the huge cave below the high ledge. Acno entered his den and laid on his pile of bones and wolf fur and fell asleep.


Wendy and Romeo sat in a cave, with water dipping from the ceiling into a little pond. The water was clear and a pretty light blue, like a tiny ocean, and moonlight came in the cave and reflected off it. Shining beautifully. Wendy drank from it while Romeo washed his face. "I wonder how far we're from the pack." he said as he shook the water off his face.

"Grandeeney told me that the river lead all the way to the snowy mountains. So we just have to find the river, and follow it in the opposite direction of the mountains. THEN WE'LL BE HOME! It may take awhile but I think we'll be fine." the little pup said and as she sat down and yawned. "For now let's get some sleep." she said as she laid on the edge of the pond and faced her back to Romeo.

Romeo sighed as a monstrous screech was heard in the distance. He walked over to Wendy and laid in front of her, both there snouts close. He closed his eyes and whispered. "This is gonna take a long time isn't it?"

"yeah." Wendy whispered back before a tear fell from eyes. "We're gonna die aren't we Romeo. I-I-I don't wanna die."
Romeo came closer to her and smiled. "We won't. I'll make sure of it. It may be scary out there but we have each other."

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