Chapter 2

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Natsu and Gray stared in shock as little Wendy cried in Grays chest. "Laxus......Killed?.." Natsu said as his eyes widened. Gray lifted his paw and put it on Wendy's tiny back. "Wendy," He said with a calming voice. "How did he exactly kill him?" 

Wendy glanced up at Gray with eyes full of tears. "He..Ripped his..Head..Off.." She whimpered. Gray's looked at Natsu and touched his shoulder with his tail. "Go get Gramps, Natsu. NOW!" Natsu nodded his head and ran out of the den. Wendy continued to cry in Grays chest. The vision haunted her mind. She wanted it gone.

Natsu ran back in with a old wolf. Makarov; a white wolf with grey under his neck going down his chest, with blond on his tail. Natsu and Makarov stopped besides Gray and looked at Wendy. "Whats wrong Wendy?" The old wolf asked, "Shee had a vision where Laxus was murdered, Gramps." Natsu said to Makarov. Makarov nudged Wendy's shoulder with his muzzle. "Let me see your face, young one." He said.

The little wolf took her face out of Grays chest and looked up at the old wolf. She sniffed as a tear fell from her eye. "Do you know who killed him in your vision?" Makarov asked narrowing his eyes at Wendy. Wendy sniffed.

"He had a scar...On his eye..He was maroon..and black...and he..looked very..mean." Wendy stuttered. Makarov laid on his belly and looked at Wendy in her eyes with a calm face. "Any anything else?" He asked. 

"He had bandage..wrapped around..his tail..and he had..fur hanging..from the side..of his face.." She said sniffing. "I think he's at the gathering, Gramps." Natsu said touching the wolfs shoulder with his nose. Makarov looked at Gray. "Anything else?" He asked looking at Wendy.

"He and some...Other wolves..Were killing..Thunder pack..wolves.."she sobbed. Makariv got on all fours and growled. "Gray your in charge while i'm gone!" Makarov barked. "And Natsu, Wendy, and me are going to the gathering to go find that wolf!" Makarov ran out of the den. Natsu ran and grabbed Wendy by her scruff. 

Makarov was runnig with Natsu behind him. Wendy dangled in Natsu's jaws as she stared at other wolves ans they ran. Soon They were in the forest, running at top speed to the gathering. Wendy glanced up at Natsu. he kept his eyes foward a he ran. She looked back to the ground. She wondered. Who was the wolf.?Who were the other wolves? And why were they attacking her friends? 

Soon, the voices of wolves were close. Bickering and growling. Which she knew were Laxus and Jellal. Makarov ran in first and barked. "LAXUS!" Laxus jolted his face to his grandfather and tilted he's head. "Gramps?" He said.

Laxus jumped off the boulder and padded over to his grandfather. Makarov was breathing heavily as he fell to the ground. Laxus ran over to him and laid by him. "What is it?" He asked touching Gramps shoulder with his tail. "" Makarov gasped.

Laxus growled. "He' from...Shadow...pack.." Makarov said, before falling asleep. The yellow wolf looked over at Jellal and growled. "He's a maroon wolf with bandage wrapped around his tail!" Natsu barked. Laxus looked over to the right and stared. "Which one of you is it..?" He growled. His lips curling up.

"HUH!?" He snarled. all of the wolves stared. some smirking and others growling. Then there was a twig snap. Everyone looked over and saw a maroon wolf. The same wolf Wendy saw in her Vision. Knowing he was seen, he ran out. 

"THAT'S HIM!" Wendy barked. Laxus jolted out of the clearing and ran after him, with Natsu, and Jellal behind him.

They ran as they ran after the wolf. He jumped over logs and ducking over branches swiftly and gracefully. But laxus ran through everything, ignoring the pain on his pelt. Natsu and Jellal were side by side running. The wolf turned around and growled. He then jumped over a tree root and ran around a tree. Laxus followed but tripped on the tree root. He's face sliding on the ground.

Jellal and Natsu jumped over him and ran. Laxus got up and ran after them. The 3 wolves were now at each others flanks. Laxus made a giant jump forward and slammed his giant paw on the maroon wolf tail.

The wolf rolled over and slide across the grass into a meadow. Laxux got on top of him and snarled. Natsu and Jellal caught up and looked. "Cobra?" Jellal asked. 

The 7 Kin (Fairy tail)(On Hold)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant