Chapter 3

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Laxus eyes widen as he heard the name. He lifted his head and turned to Jellal with anger still lit in his eyes. "Can you get off me?" Cobra barked. Laxus looked back down at him and grunted. "Make me.." 

The maroon wolf gritted his canines and growled. "You think that Erik." Jellal said. "COBRA!" Cobra barked. Jellal rolled his eyes and huffed. "I mean Cobra, is gonna kill you?" Laxus growled and nodded his head. Jellal blinked a few times before breaking out laughing.

"What!?" Laxus spat. "Whats so funny!?" Jellal didn't answer just kept on laughing. Natsu snarled at Jellal, but nothing. Cobra grunted underneath Laxus paws, his breathe getting hotter with anger. Laxus used his back paw to step on Cobra's tail causing the maroon wolf to whimper. 

Jellal finally stopped laughing and calmed down. "I'll have you know, that Cobra came to recover from his sins. Not make more." He said, still recovering from his laughing record. He took in a deep breathe and sighed. 

Cobra got a spark in his eyes. He bit into Laxus's paw, causing the alpha to lift his paw from Cobra's chest in pain. Then using his back legs, Cobra kicked the yellow wolf in the gut. Laxus fell on his back and grunted.

Cobra got on his feet and smirked. "There.." He said with a smirk. "I made you.." Laxus growled and got up. His eyes full of anger. "He's also my second in command." Jellal stated lifting his chin up high. 

Laxus shook his head and grunted. "even if I did want to kill you," Cobra barked. "I would have done it a long time ago.." Laxus growled, his teeth bared. "So you do wanna kill me?" He snarled. The maroon wolf chuckled and swished his tail across the ground. "Not anymore.." He replied.

Natsu padded over to Laxus and smiled. "You got flipped over by a second in command, bro.." Natsu chuckled. 

Laxus snapped at Natsu's head, causing Natsu to whimper. Soon, Erza came running with Wendy in her mouth. She carefully placed the white pup down and padded over to us. "What happen here?" She asked, her eyes skimming us. Her eyes landed on Jellal. She coughed and looked away.

"Laxus thinks that Cobra is gonna kill him."  Natsu said pointing his tail at Cobra. Erza looked at Cobra and growled. "Is that true?" she growled. "Tch." Cobra rolled his eyes and growled. "Maybe..." He said with a smirk.

Erza Padded over to him and snarled. "What!?" she barked. Cobra began to laugh. "I was just kidding!" He laughed. Him and Jellal began to laugh again.

"Psychopaths.." Laxus mumbled. Both of the shadow pack wolves stopped laughing and put their attention back on the others.  "Well, the gathering is most likely over." Laxus growled. Wendy could fell the wavs of anger coming from the yellow wolf. A strange aura, one that is very similar to the ones that come off of Natsu and Gajeel when there angry. Could he be..

"WENDY!" A voice said snapping Wendy out of her thoughts. She blinked a few times and looked up at Erza. "sorry.." Wendy said with a light voice. Erza smiled and patted Wendy on her shoulder with her puffy tail. "Don't be.." Wendy smiled and giggled.

"So Jellal," Erza said looking behind her. "How's it goi-" Erza stared. Jellal and Cobra were gone. "That was fast.." Erza said in shock.

Laxus and Natsu barked at the two girls. "Come on!" Natsu barked with a smile on his face. "Someone needs to carry Gramps back to the pack!"

(Time skip cause me lazy)

Everyone was at the pack. Natsu was biting a piece of meat that he stole from Gajeel. Laxus was sleeping next to Makorov, Erza was practicing fighting moves with Gray, and Wendy was staring at a dead mouse that she caught. She still wondered about the aura coming off of Laxus earlier. Could he be apart of the prophecy. The prophecy of the 7 kin.

Wendy,Natsu,and Gajeel were apart of the prophecy. But there's 7. And only 3 that they know of exist. Wendy nibbled on her mouse, with the same thought in her head. Was he apart of it? Does he know? 

Wendy got to her paws and jumped over to Natsu who was pigging out on his meat. "Natsu." Wendy whispered trying not to get anyone's attention. Natsu bit a piece of his meat and looked at Wendy. "What is it, Wendy?" He asked swallowing his meat. Wendy got closer to his ear.

"I think Laxus is apart of the 7 Kin." Natsu almost choked on his meat but he was able to swallow. "What!?" He barked. "SHHHHH!!" 

Natsu's looked at Wendy with wide eyes. "GAJEEL!" Natsu barked. Gajeel; a black wolf with a sliver underbelly and piercings on his tail, above his eyes, and on his snout. Gajeel looked Natsu with a piece of deer in his mouth. "What is it, salamander?" He asked, swallowing his meat. "Come here!" Natsu barked.

Gajeel grunted and got up grumbling, He sat down in front of Natsu. "what?" He growled. Natsu leaned in and whsipered something. Gajeel's eyes widened. "He is.." Gajeel said. 

"I think he is too.." Natsu said, glancing at his paws. "We should tell him.." They all nodded. They got on all fours and began to walk over to Laxus. 

Gajeel put his paw on Laxus's sleeping body and shook him. Laxus grunted and looked up with half open eyes. "what.."

"Are you part of the 7 kin?" Wendy asked. Laxus's eyes widened. He got up with his mouth opened in shock. "How did you know..?" Laxus whispered in shock. Wendy looked at the others and nodded. 

"because we are too" Natsu said with a smile

(Later at Shadow pack)

Cobra walked in a den with 2 other wolves in it. He sat down and grinned. "Are we almost done?" He asked. A black and white wolf looked at him. "Almost.."


There's the chaper friends! 

The 7 Kin (Fairy tail)(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now