Chapter 12

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"CARLA!" Wendy  screamed, as one white feather floated from Viper's jaws and onto the ground. A lump in Viper's throat went down into her stomach until it was gone. "Damn it I shouldn't have eaten it with the ribbon." Viper burped. Natsu screamed as he rammed his head into her snout causing her to step back with a yowl.

She glanced at the Natsu and snorted. "We'll meet again, Dragneel!" She howled stepping back into the forest. "BE PREPARED! AHAHA" Her laughed faded into the distance as she disappeared into the forest. Natsu jolted around to see an shocked Jellal and Kagura and a cry Wendy as she stared down at the only white feather.



"What happen?!" Gajeel shrieked as Natsu, Makarov, Laxus, and Wendy returned. Wendy's precious eyes filled with tears and Natsu gritting his canines. "Attack." Laxus groaned. "There was an attack."

"Who attack you?" Levy asked as she stood by Gajeel's side. "Some female dog named Viper.." Natsu growled, his teeth bared. "She's actually a rogue wolf." Makarov said. "She's part of Acnologia's army. And it's possible it won't be the last we see of her."

"I'm gonna tear her apart!" Natsu roared. "Calm down, Salamander." Gajeel grinned. "Leave that to me! I bet I can defeat her with one swipe of my paw!"

"You can't." Laxus barked. "Not even Sting, Kagura, and Jellal could beat her. So you don't even have a chance. In fact she sent Sting flying." Gajeel snorted as he glanced away. Levy patted his shoulder with her paw. "There there."

"C...Carla.." Wendy whined, tears still flowing out of her eyes. The first friend was gone. Eaten by a rogue in one snap of her jaws. The image repeated in Wendy's head making her yowl. "I Can't take this anymore." She mumbled.

She padded away from her group sobbing as she began to run into the forest. Her pack mates not even noticing. "We need to prepare for battle!" Makarov hissed. "We have lost a fellow Fairy today! And her death shall not go down in vain!"

"When shall we start training?" Gajeel asked. 



Light pack was rough, everyone crowd around the entrance of Sting's den as he laid inside. Rogue, Yukino, and Minerva surrounded the wounded Alpha. "I...can't believe..I was...beaten..That easily.." Sting whimpered. "and by.....a.rogue.."
Yukino sighed. "Sting you need to rest." she said. "Those claw marks on the side of your face need healing and you blabbing about how you lost is just ripping the flesh more!"

"Speaking of those claw marks," Rogue spoke. "Why do they look like. That?"

The claw marks on Sting's face weren't normal like any other wolves. It had an green substance on and inside the wound, but blood did leak from it. "What is that and why is it green and gross looking?" Rogue asked, looking at the others. Minerva stared at the wound as she narrowed her eyes.

"It's acid." She mumbled, causing everyone's attention to turn to her. "I have.....acid...on my...f-face.." Sting whined. "How is that acid?" Rogue snarled.

Minerva growled. "back when I join demon pack, we had this substance called 'The sevenths blood' or for short 'Snake tears' it was acid and it burnt through flesh. it only took about a moon. But this looks more like an advance version of it. This could take half a moon or less. But what worries me is that this came from that dogs claws itself. It wasn't rubbed or dipped on her claws, No this came from her claws."

"So this wolf produces acid when her paws meet flesh?" Yukino asked tilting her head to the side. Minerva nodded. "Is there a cure?" Rogue asked, tilting his head to the side. 

Minerva shrugged. "None that I know of. I was only in the pack for awhile. They didn't tell me much other than what it was called." 

"The..Sevenths..blood..that's a" Sting mumbled. But Rogue knew exactly what it was, and exactly who made it. Unlike Sting, Rogue knew more. About the others packs, the members. Their pasts, and what they are. Rogue and Sting always knew they were part of the '7 Kin' prophecy. And Rogue already knew three wolves who were in it. And he knew where to find them.

"I know who might be able to cure this." Rogue said, causing Sting to look at him with a little bit of hope, causing Rogue to smile. "They are from another pack but I know he might know the cure."


"I'm on it!" Rogue yowled as he ran out of the den, the crowd outside cleared a path for the second commander as they stared. Rogue knew where to go. 
Who to talk to.
And who to bring.

The 7 Kin (Fairy tail)(On Hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن