Chapter 7

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"keep still.." Gajeel whispered to Levy; a blue tiny wolf with an white underbelly and snout and fluffy tail. Gajeel, Levy, Bickslow; a dark blue wolf with black on his ears and along his back to his tail. And Evergreen: a light brown wolf with a green underbelly.

They all crept in the meadow, crouching down low, stalking a herd of deer. But this wasn't any hunt. This was Levy's first hunt. She's usually a helper for the elder's den, but she was forced here by her friend, Gajeel. The smell of grass and deer stung at her nose.

A full grown buck picked up he's head from the grass and gazed around. Levy stopped breathing and stayed still. The grass was long enough to hide her, but the others, they stuck out like a sore thumb. The buck put it's head down and continued to graze with the others. One buck and three does and a fawn. A perfect meal.

Gajeel sprang from his hiding spot, soon followed my Bickslow and Evergreen. Levy scattered like a scared squirrel and followed.

The herd of deer began to gallop and scatter. The buck moving foward, A tow doe and a fawn moving left, leaving one doe running right. Perfect target.

Gajeel ran towards the deer on the right, while Bickslow and Evergreen ran towards the two doe and fawn. Levy, only knowing Gajeel the most followed him. She was right at his heels, before he speed up, kicking dirt in her face.
Levy closed her eyes and coughed. "GAJEEL!" She yowled.  Gajeel glanced over his shoulder and grinned. "gihi."

Gajeel ran over to the side of the deer snapping at it's front hooves. The doe yowled. They soon reached an stone wall, it curved around with an area of grass on top of it.

The doe ran into the wall and jolted around facing them. It moved around frantically yelping and yowling. "We've cornered it now!" Gajeel barked, standing in front of the doe. Evergreen covered it's left, while Bickslow holding an limp fawn in his jaws covered it's right.

Levy stood by Gajeel side, puffing her chest out. They all crouched down and slowly moved forward, freaking the doe out. Gajeel crept closer baring teeth and his ears flat. 

"If you don't like seeing blood," Evergreen, nudged Levy's shoulder. "I suggest you look away." 

Taking her advice, she tuned her head, closed her eyes and waited for the sound of bone cracking. Gajeel jumped onto the does side knocking it over. It tried to scatter to it's hooves, But with one bite to it's neck. Gajeel ended it.

Levy slowly opened her eyes, to see blood slowly flowing out of Gajeel's mouth from the deer's wound. "so we got one doe and a fawn." He muffled through the deer's fur. 

Bickslow nodded his head with the fawn dangling in his jaws.  "It was easy."

"We almost had the other doe, but they got away." Evergreen growled, fluffing out her fur. 

"I didn't help in any way." Levy stared at her paws. "I just followed."

Gajeel snorted and touched her shoulder with his tail. "Go see if you can catch an rabbit or something. If you can, it's all yours."
Levy gasped, and smiled. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" She turned around and ran into the long grass and entered the forest

"Careful not to cross the border!" Gajeel barked.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to let her out on her own?" Evergreens voiced was full of worry.

"Yeah Man, she's never been outside the pack grounds. I'm not even sure she knows where the borders are."

Gajeel stared at the long grass. "she'll be fine." He grinned.
Levy padded through the forest. Her tiny paws barely making a noise. "Let's see." She hummed sniffing the grass.
But something else filled her nose. The stence of wolf. Could it be the border? Or a loner? Levy thought.

Before she could figure it out, a twig snapped. Her head shot up to see an big plump rabbit, sitting in front of an tree. It's jaws chewing on grass.

"Perfect prey." Levy smiled and crouched down.
She slowly crawled to it, her tail low along with her ears. The tiny rabbit had no idea what was soon to come.

"HEY!" The yowl cause the rabbit to run off. She got up to her and her ears moving. "Who's there?" She barked her tail between her legs.

"You are in Light pack territory!" A black wolf walked out of the trees. Levy knew who he was. Her eyes widen as hers meet with he's red eyes.


The 7 Kin (Fairy tail)(On Hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن