Short Update (Nothing New)

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Hello, Fanfunctional here. If you're looking for a new chapter, I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you. Feel free to disregard this note.

This is just an update for the individuals possibly wondering where I've been. This note will be deleted in the near future.

As always it seems, I've been going through an incredibly, incredibly difficult time. Not too long ago I left my home, and didn't want to come back. Things with my family are not good at all. I'm more alone than ever, and happiness is a rare commodity.

But I have to thank you all from the bottom of my heart because despite my lack of content, I'm still getting notifications. I see when you favourite a chapter, or leave a comment. You're just a young person like me, taking a short commercial break from reality to enjoy another young person's story. But on the other end, I am there. And I don't think it's something you realize, but sometimes the only smile my day gets out of me is from you commenting or adding the stories to your reading list, or following. And even though I haven't been writing, I haven't forgotten you,  and you continue to light up my life through this seemingly lightless time. I am endlessly thankful.

With that being said, I know I'm just one writer out of millions of writers on an online writing site, but I do apologize for not writing, because it hurts me too, and I do want to be able to give you stories to read. Even one person reading makes me so happy. There was a time when I wrote more than one chapter in a day, I was so eager and downright ecstatic to share with you. I yearn to make it to the point when I can freely produce consistent content again. I'm doing my best.

Thank you for your kindness, curiosity, love and support. It means the world to me. I'm not going anywhere, I'm just trying my best to fight this. I do have things planned for you, but I can only hope my life gets better so I can do better. You are the best. Thank you.

All the love in the world,

CrimsonWhere stories live. Discover now