thoughts on the cubs

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hello my dudes

the sims is updating and i currently have nothing else to do

so, i was inspired by my girl @GoliathRider15 to give my opinion on the cubs roster !!

i really do love this team as a whole and it's hard to put in to words what they all mean to me, but it's going to be very interesting to give my thoughts on individuals

i'm going down the 25 man roster and adding in a few others that were sent down or injured or whatever just like she did, just so i can share my bitter hatred for brett anderson (spoiler alert)

let me get started

(every category is in alphabetical order because it's going to bug me if it's not tbh)


Brett Anderson- oh my fucking gosh

i have such a deep hatred for this guy and he hasn't even been a cub for a full season

he can't pitch to save his life and on twitter he only uses the term "embarrassed" about his pitching

like no shit you're embarrassed, so am i

mike montgomery should be our fifth and i will stand by this until i die

Jake Arrieta- Jake.

I love you lots.

but you gotta get your shiiit together

i miss you, 2015-2016 jake arrieta.

i know he still has it somewhere in him and i know he can be so, so good. we've allll seen it.

Eddie Butler- I really like this kid.

He's young and yes, I know his starts so far haven't been super great, but first of all, I'd rather have him over Anderson's bitch ass

Second of all, he's got so much potential and he was pretty damn good in Iowa this season, so I'm happy to have him here.

Wade Davis- Wader, check please!

I'm so happy he's on our team

I know that if the Cubs don't trade for Chapman, we don't win the World Series alright I get it

but here's the thing, i'd much rather have davis

davis has better control (in my opinion) and i know that like, 100 mph pitches are insane but it doesn't do a whole lot if those pitches are everywhere

and i just think he's more consistent

and another good thing, our current closer doesn't have a history of domestic abuse behind him

that's just how i feel lmao bye

Brian Duensing- he's not my favorite ngl

but he's still solid and can do what you ask him to

Carl Edwards Jr.- i love this man

he's one of my favorites from the 'pen, and he has naaasty stuff

also i love his personality lmao

i got seats near the bullpen when i went to the cubs @ cardinals game last month and he was just goofing off and doing dances down in the bullpen

it was cute

Justin Grimm- I really like him, alright

he obviously hasn't been super great this season

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