y'all suck

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*y'all does NOT !! mean you guys ok i love you all to no end 💞💞

but im so TIREDDD

i mean

i'm tired of a lot of things, alright

but there's this one thing that PISSES ME OFF TO NO END

"who's you're favorite cub?"

"kyle hendricks."

"why? he's ugly lmao"


this shit makes me blood boil.

i am aware that kyle does not look like an Express model (hey kris)

im aware!!! that those people that don't know baseball but pay attention to the hot guys don't thirst over kyle !!

but you know what


baseball is a sport about skills, not about how pretty your eyes are or the last time you modeled for a clothing brand !! it's just not

kyle hendricks is not the epitome of a a "pretty baseball boy" and i really do not give a single shit about that!!

kyle? he's good. he's a damn good pitcher and he's one of the most down to earth guys on the cubs team. he's an overall good person, and that's why i love him with all my heart.

im not picking my favorites over who's hot. if they're good, hey. if they're good and attractive, that's cool

but literally can i add that im tired of people being pieces of shit towards me for liking him so much

you think he's ugly? congrat-u-fuckinglations . that's your own opinion and we're all entitled to that

but i also think you're wrong because kyle hendricks is the cutest and purest human i've ever laid eyes on

he's not a model. he doesn't have pretty blue eyes like kris bryant or really good hair like bryce harper (i don't even like harper that much but that man's hair!! wow).

he's cute in his own way and i absolutely love it

and i absolutely love him :))

and i absolutely love him :))

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(also stop attacking him for his nose Please it's cute and unique okay thanks)

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(also stop attacking him for his nose Please it's cute and unique okay thanks)

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