here's whats going on.

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i haven't updated an actual story in a little bit. i know it hasn't been months, but i keep making my readers wait.

i feel awful, trust me.

but please here me out.

i'm not in a great place right now. i've spent a whole lot of time recently feeling ... not okay. and it's not that i just feel "sad", like i genuinely feel like there's something fucked up in my mind. i have a bunch of waves going through my mind and i have a bunch of waves just going through my life in general, and none of them are helping my mental health.

i don't feel motivated to write at the moment. writing has always made me happy. it's one of my favorites things, and i just love to write. but lately, i don't enjoy it anymore. actually, i have a hard time finding the joy in most of the things i would typically love. i know that i can't just lie and say i'm okay just so i can post updates. my readers really do mean a lot to me and they're a big reason behind what i do, so i don't want to make them wait for things they really enjoy reading. but i really need to put my mental health before writing. i need to get in my right state of mind again before i can write.

i'm still going to post things on here. this is different than my actual books, and i feel more open to a lot of things with my rant book

i really hope you guys understand. i love you all very much💞

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