writing updates

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aside from that long ass rant you guys just read, i need to let y'all know some updates about what's gonna go on with what i have published

so, i'll start off with the fan favorite

wonderwall- my writing has improved since i started wonderwall (it's also been about a year, that's fucking craaaazy). but anyway, im one of those writers that's constantly rereading what they do, and i HATE reading the first chapters. every chapter after chapter fifteen, i think, is fine for me, but anything before that is rough. and as much as i wanna rewrite them, idk if i should, because I'd probably have to change some of the storyline 🤷‍♀️


i truly love kris and mallory!! im not gonna spoil it for anyone who doesn't know everything published but im currently happy that the ship is sailing nicely

but im kind of dealing with some writers block? i love their relationship but it's currently near the point where i'm like "shit! idk how to make this move without being annoyingly cheesy"

i'll figure something out but idk what do you guys think about everything going on

perfect- im ugly im sorry

but i unpublished it

i didn't really see it going anywhere?? idk, i don't think a lot of the storyline was fantastic and it was kinda unrealistic and i try my best to avoid unrealistic

i'll try and find some ways to fix it, but in the meantime, it's staying in my drafts

ten things you need to know- this is finished BUT

i want to start an actual kyle story

ten things was so fun to write and i loved everyyyy minute of it

but now i want to get more in depth with characters and their relationships and what's going on in their lives

in other news: i have a few ideas. i'm gonna try and develop something, so maybe keep your eyes open for something new🤷‍♀️

garbage time | rants and thingsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt