46. The Carnival.

Start from the beginning

"Well, that seems like a fun day," Joshua said at last when Pierre finally ended his long monologue and my love nodded enthusiastically.

"This is the best day ever. I'm so happy that I'm pretty sure I'm going to explode out of happiness soon," he said and he clapped his hand happily before taking my arm, "Please, Declan, let's go now. I want to see the carnival."

"Alright, alright," I agreed and he let out a shout of joy which attracted a few eyes. I emptied my glass of water. "Joshua, you are going too?"

"Yeah, I'm done," he said and we all stood up. I left a little something on the table before getting out of the restaurant with the others. "Hey, I'm going to check on my mom. I'll leave you two here. We'll see each other later...or maybe tomorrow. Have fun at the carnival."

I nodded and we waved Joshua goodbye as he went back to his hotel room. Once he was out of sight, Pierre wrapped his arm around mine before dragging me out of here. Even from where we were, we could hear the loud music going on outside and a few people screaming, so when we finally got out of the hotel, everything was just amplified. Confetti were flying around and the streets were illuminated with different lights.

"This is so perfect," Pierre said as we followed the flow of people. "Just look around, it's beautiful."

He was beautiful. 

I got the chance to watch him all day and that constant smile on his face, the way he would just admire everything in surprise and wonder just made my heart race and consumed me with happiness. I wondered how it would be like if every day was like that one. It would really be perfect.

For the occasion, my love was wearing a dark blue button up shirt along with black skinny jeans while me, I was wearing my white t-shirt, a blazer along with my ripped jeans. There was a cold breeze flying around. Pierre didn't think that it was necessary for him to wear a jacket as his sleeves were long but I was secretly waiting for him to feel cold so that I could give him my blazer.

We soon came upon the parade of the carnival and Pierre slapped himself because he forgot his camera at the hotel. There were a lot of people disguised in costumes while the others were just cheering and taking pictures or filming. That town happened to be bigger than ours and of course, there were a lot more people. We followed the parade and Pierre's hand went down my arm to grab my hand. It was so warm and I bit my bottom lip.

"You're taking my hand," I told him and he took his eyes off the parade to look at me. "You have been taking my hand for the whole day...I'm wondering why you are doing that."

"Shouldn't it make you happy?" He asked me instead of actually answering.

"I am," I affirmed him. "But I can't understand why you are doing that."

"I want to take your hand," he said and I felt him intertwine his fingers with mine. "Is that a good enough reason for you?"

"I don't know," I let out a laugh and rubbed the back of my neck with my free hand, "Why would you want to take my hand?"

"It kind of makes me feel safe," he admitted and I was slightly surprised. "Your hands are warm and when I take them, I...I don't know...it tingles and I like this sensation."

I blinked.

"Where does it tingle more exactly?" I asked him.

"Are you going to continue with those questions?" He asked me in response. "You said so yourself, now that we're out of town, we can finally be ourselves and do whatever we want without having to justify every of our action to anyone, without having to fear what others would think so if I want to take your hand, I will take your hand. That's it."

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