Chapter 27: The Happy Ending

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            The girls all ended up finding each other at the party, along with their old friends.

            “Small world right?” Lauren said as they all gathered around in the middle of the party.

            “Do you guys want to get out of here?” John asked the group.  Everyone nodded and started to head out. 

            While they were walking out the door, Mary caught Tara and said, “Hey, where are you guys going?”

            “Don’t worry about us.  They’re just some old friends.  Have fun!” Tara said as she ran up to catch the group.

            They all piled into Logan’s jeep.  Tara was shotgun and Lauren, Kaitlin, John, and Mason were all squeezed in the back.  “So where exactly are we going?” Lauren asked.

            “I’m not sure,” Logan said keeping his eyes on the road, “I guess we’ll just hope to find something.” He smiled at everyone.

            The whole ride was filled with them all reminiscing about their fun times over the summer and their new experiences at college.  Even though they all hadn’t seen each other since the summer it felt like they had never spent any time apart.  Coming up on the road was a diner that looked like it came right out of Grease.  “Hey what about that place?” Tara pointed out.

            Logan nodded his head, “Does that sound good to everyone?” No one objected and they pulled in.  On the outside was a big flashing sign that read “Mac’s Drive In: Open 24 hours”.  They six of them walked in to find a deserted 1950’s style diner.  “Woah.” All three girls said in unison.  The booths were the electric red, the floors were checkered, there were milkshake flavors above the counter, it really felt like they were transported into the 1950s. 

            “Wait is that a juke box?” Tara asked, running over to it.

            “Stop.” Lauren said following her.  “This is so great.” Everyone couldn’t believe what they had found, and how lucky they were that it was empty.

            “Hello there cuties!” An old women said as she walked out from behind the counter.

            “Hey there.” Mason said, making his way over to Lauren.

            “You guys need anything to order?” The woman asked.

            “You know, she kind of reminds me of Martha.” Lauren whispered into Mason’s ear, which caused him to blush.

            “Yeah, that would be great.  Can we just get a couple orders of fries?” John said.

            “Sure thing! Hang tight,” she said walking away, “Oh and we just wiped down all the booths, so keep it clean.” She said winking.

            Everyone burst out laughing, mostly from embarrassment.  “Ok I really like her.” Kaitlin said laughing as they all made their way over to the biggest booth.  “This place is truly amazing.”

            “And so are you.” John said looking down at Kaitlin giving her a kiss. 

            “Hey, you heard the lady, keep it clean.” Mason said with a smirk. 

            “Here you go,” the lady said bringing 5 orders of fries, “just in case you’re extra hungry.”

            “Oh my god thank you!” Tara said, reaching for a fry.  “Wait stop these are actually amazing.”

            “I’m glad you like them!” The woman asked, now seeing her closely we could read her nametag.  She was Mac, the owner of the diner.

            “Just wondering, um, does that juke box actually work?” Logan wondered.

            “Of course it does!” Mac answered, “I remember when all the teenagers like you would come in here.  My dad was the owner at the time and I would sit down on the counter drinking milkshakes because I wasn’t allowed to dance with the teenagers because I was too young.  I was always fascinated by all the couples that came in here.”

            “That’s so cute oh my goodness.” Lauren said, covering her mouth.

            Logan had gotten up and went over to the juke box.  Suddenly, an old 1950s love song came on.

            “Oh this was one of my favorites,” Mac said, “I’ll let you guys be.”  Mac said walking away.

            “Wait Mac, may I have this dance?” John asked. “Just because you never got to dance with the teenagers when you were younger.” Mac blushed as John and her started dancing.  Kaitlin stood there laughing as she watched John and Mac dance around the diner.

            “Tara, may I have this dance?” Logan asked walking over to Tara.

            “Took you long enough.” Tara replied smiling. She grabbed Logan’s hand and they too started dancing.

            “Mason, you gonna ask me to dance or no?” Lauren said walking up to Mason.

            “I don’t know, I think signing in front of a crowd was enough action for one night.”

            “Oh ok, I see how it is.”  Lauren said getting closer to him.  She leaned up against him and brought her face close to his.  Just as their lips were about to touch she spun away saying, “Oh that’s right, too much action for one night.”

            Mason, frustrated that he didn’t get a kiss ran over and grabbed Lauren’s hand, starting to dance with her.  “I suddenly changed my mind.” He said, kissing Lauren.

            “Ok John, I think you better stop dancing with me before your girlfriend over there gets even more jealous.” John laughed as h he watched Martha go over to Kaitlin, “You’re a lucky one, he sure does care about you.” And she walked back into the kitchen leaving the 3 couples alone in the diner.

            “I was starting to wonder when I was going to be able to have a turn.” Kaitlin said as John walked over to her.

            “I was just getting warmed up.” John said taking Kaitlin’s hand. 

            The three couples continued to dance in the diner for hours, and no one else had ever come in.  “You know, this was a pretty great night.” Lauren said to the two other girls as they walked back to the jeep, “I think college is going to be pretty fun.” The two others nodded and Lauren, Kaitlin, and Tara hugged each other.


            “Hey let us get in!” Mason yelled as he ran over to the group hug.  Soon enough, all six of them were standing in the parking lot, hugging it out.  It was the perfect end to a perfect night.

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