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Never did I think I will be here ten years later with eight kids. Yeah I said it 8 kids, When it came to Lilith because she was human I needed to tell her about me so when I took her on the first date I told her everything. I was sure she would run and hide but she didn't she married me, I told her about Leslie and how no matter what she would always be my number one women but Lilith seemed to not mind it, after telling her about Leslie she said she sounded strong. And In that moment I knew Leslie sent this women for me. 

One year after being married we had a set of twins both girls we named them Belinda and Melinda Knight. A year after having our twin daughters we had a little boy I was able to name Baxter knight. Four years ago we had our 6th kid which was a girl Lilith named her Jessica Knight, And last but not least we had out twins a boy and a girl six months ago she let me name my daughter I named her Noelle, she named the baby boy Noah. This is where I am 10 years later walking down the beach with my six kids.

"Dad." I look up to see Castro.

"What going on son?" I ask.

"I want the knew masters they are tight." He says his brother Carlisle laughs.

"What." Castro snaps.

"You need to grow up." Carlisle says.

"Yeah right you both do." Belinda and Melinda say at the same time they always do that.

"You girls creepy." Baxter says.

"We are better then you." They say again at the same time.

"Da da up." Jessica says I lift her.

"HI MOM." The girls yell I look up and see my beautiful second chance mate sitting on the patio of the beach house.


"IT WAS AWESOME MOMMY I JUMP HIGH." Baxter yells she laughs.

"You guys gonna be out here make sure your little brother and sister doesn't go in the water." I say to the twins they nod.

"Dad I can take care of myself." Baxter says I just roll my eyes.

"Take her." I say and put Jessica down I look to the kids one last time and walk towards my mate. She has Noah in her arms with a bottle and Noelle in the car seat with a bottle. I take Noelle out the car seat and pick her up, I kiss my mate and sit down.

"How was the walk?" She ask.

"It was fun the twins did nothing but argue." I say to her she laughs.

"Like when they were little." She says I nod my head.

"Just like." I say she laughs this time and starts to burp the baby.

"No more kids." She says I laugh.

"I can have eight more." I whisper in her ear.

"Well at the way you generate twins I am sure we will." She says in a playful tone I laugh that is true I mean come on we got the boys, the girls, and now the babies all twins, that is three sets of twins.

"Jessica." I hear Castro yell I look up and see she is running to us.

"I GOT HER SON." I yell they all nod and she walks on the patio, Lilith puts Noah in the car seat and picks up Jessica.

"Nap time?" She ask Jessica laughs.

"No mommy." She says Lilith laughs and sits down slowly rocking her to sleep.

"Hey guys." I look up to see both set of twins are looking at us.

"What you guys want?" I ask they all look over to a house about three houses down they hang out with the kids in the house they are having a party right now.

"Sure go on but we want you back before twelve." Lilith says they all nod.

"Yes." Belinda says.

"Thanks mother." Melinda says.

"Thanks mom." Castro says and they all walk away.

"You guys let's go party." Carlisle says

"Should we go cuddle in the bed?" I ask.

"Yes." She says I put the baby in the car seat and pick up both car-seats then grab Baxter by the hand she walks in with Jessica in her arms we walk right to the room, I set the babies down and then go feed the dogs Beatrix and Betsy. When I walk back in my mate got Jessica and Baxter in the little bed that we got in our room for them, she is putting Noelle in the crib, I grab Noah change his diaper, then lay him in the crib with his little sister I strip into my boxers and lay down.

"What we gonna watch?" She ask me.

"We were not able to watch snatched." I say she laughs.

"That is like a chick flick." She says I laugh this time.

"But you said you wanted to see it." I say, she laughs and I put it on I pull her into me more she cuddles closer and we start to watch the movie. We were half way through the movie and me and her had fallen to sleep, I know because when I woke up I felt her side of the bed and she was not their I look over to see she has both the babies in her arms while rocking back and fourth with her eyes closed a little, I rubbed my eyes and stand taking my son from her she smiles and we rock the babies it takes a while for them to both go to sleep, we lay them back into the crib and lay in the bed.

"Where did we fall asleep?" I ask her she laughs and we go back to the last part we remember as we watch we laugh at the movie, it was pretty funny.. After the move we changed it to conjuring 2 we have also yet to see that been to busy with the kids. She is not the biggest fan of scary movies but she knows I like them so she watches them.

"What time is it?" I ask her half way through this two hour movie.

"Going on twelve." She yawns.

"I will get them." I say and stand up slipping on a tank, and some gym shorts, I slip on my sneakers and walk to get my kids they were already on the way home, we walked back to the house they were talking about the party and how much fun it was. Once we got home they went to their room's and I went back to my room my mate was laying on the bed watching the movie, I got undressed and cuddled into her.

"I love you." I kiss her head.

"I love you too." She says as I pull her closer into me.


Word count: 1163

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