'Head-butted by mate! Oops'

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I watch as my drunk mate sleeps finally it took me two hours to get her to sleep, It was so hard to stop her from having sex me and my wolf were fighting everything we had in us not to flip her over and fuck her sensless well that is the way she put it.

"Go to bed." I hear her say I chuckle because she must have been in my head, I was pissed at her because she cut the link but she needs to know it is because I love her, I worry about her everyday, every minute, every second of the day. I worry I do not want my mate to be hurt ever again and as long as I am alive it will not happen. I felt her body turn over she was now facing me.

"I'm sorry and I mean it." She says I smile and run my hands through her hair.

"It's okay I just worry." I say to her she smiles.

"That is why I love you." She says to me I kiss her nose.

"I love you too, now get some sleep." I kiss her forehead and lay her head on my chest I run my hands through her hair and I wait till I can hear her soft snores before I close my eyes and let the darkness take over, I wrap my arms tight around her before going to sleep.

"Xavier." I hear something.

"Baby." What is that noise? Its sound's so peaceful.

"WAKE UP." I jolt awake and then my head hits something super hard and I look to see I headbutted my mate.

"Shit baby." I say grabbing her head she holding it and her eyes are watery no she not gonna cry she has not cried since she been here. "No baby I am sorry I did not know you were that close." I grab her and pull her into my chest..

"It is okay it just hurt's." She says with a little chuckle mixed with her wince in pain. 

"Sorry." I say and hold her close to me looking to the clock.

"Baby." She calls I hum in response. "You are hard headed literally." She says I look to her and kiss all over her face she giggles. 

"What do you want to do today?" I ask her she look to me.

"I don't know." She says shyly I laugh and hold her.

'Alpha.' I hear my beta.

'Yeah.' I say back as my mate stands and walks to the bathroom.

'Alpha Justin and Luna Mary are hear.' He says and I am more then surprised because I was not informed of this.

'They did not tell me about this.' I stand up and put on my gym shorts with, a white tank top.

"My parents are here, I can hear them arguing with your beta outside." She says to me not even looking to me because she is walking out before me, I run up too her and look into her eyes and they are not blue but they got yellow in them, So I stop her.

"Your eyes." I say.

"Yes." Her voice is darker it is her wolf.

"No I do not got full control of her she is here too." Her wolf says back.

"What is your name." I ask her.

"Sage." She says back I was gonna say something but then we heard the wicked witch of the west.


"She touched the beta." Sage mumbled more to herself and storms off. She is out the room faster then I ever seen any wolf move.

"DO NOT TOUCH THE BETA MOTHER." I ran in the room my mate was holding her mother.

"Leslie I am your mother let me go." Her mother said I walked up to my mate and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Alright." She steps back.

"But DO NOT TOUCH THE BETA OR ANYONE IN THIS PACK FOR THAT MATTER GOT IT MOTHER." She said her mother flinched into her father.

"Hey daddy." Leslie is back I look to her she looks back to me.

"What?" She ask now everyone is looking too her.

"Nothing." I say she scoffs.

"I want to take my two girls out for dinner if that is okay with you Alpha." Her father says I just nod my head and look to my mate, she does not look excited for this I frown I wish she would learn to love her parents.

"Sure." She says her voice low her wolf is no more. She walks away I link her.

'Want me to come?' I ask.

'No it is fine I need to get this over with anyways, also you got work.' She says back to me.

'Aright then.' I say back.

'may are day be postponed.' she links back I chuckle.

'Oh you so ow me a day.' I say back to her I hear her laugh and then she cuts the link, she walks down stairs she grabs one of my sweaters and throws it on, before walking to me I give her a kiss we kiss for a couple seconds, then we look to her parents her father looks like he loves the happiness his daughter has on the others hand her mother looks like she can kill me and her daughter..

'Why she so hateful.' My mate links I smirk and pat her back.

'Link me later.' I say too her she nods and I watch as my mate walks out the house with her mother and father, I walk back to my office and just hope her mother does not cause too much stress on my mate it is already hard enough on her, she does not need her mother coming in and making her worry.. When she does not need to be! I just hope her father can control his mate I never meant a wolf who treats they pup that way it is a strange thing when it comes too pup's and mates that is like the only thing we love. Literally the only thing's!

'Calm down and do your work.' I hear my mate through the link.

'Sorry.' I say back I guess she can feel my worry through the link.


Word count: 1071

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