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"Alpha the man you asked to see has arrive." I hear my beta say outside my office door, my name is Xavier knight and I am the alpha of the strongest pack around, my whole pack has been in frenzy this past week because my younger sister Rosie was kidnapped I am pretty sure I know who did it.. The door open revealing a man his name is Randolph and he has been studying rouges since they were able to become a pack six years ago.

"Alpha." He bowed his head.

"Skip it, tell me what you know." I say he nods and takes out his papers.

"Well the only rouge pack that is still standing since rouge's were able to become packs, are the master pack as he calls it, mainly man, but if your sister was taken by them you need to find her fast and before it gets to late." He says to me I growl at him.

"What is that too mean?" I ask him he looks back to me.

"Okay you member about five years ago alpha Justin and Luna Mary?" He ask me I nod of course I know them five years ago they were the strongest pack around, but someone kidnapped their pup which led to them both going crazy an alpha and Luna going crazy yeah that messed their pack up.

"Well they were doing horrible they got back up to par, I am pretty sure the men that took your sister took they daughter five years back. Now that is not the worst part it is what they do to the women drugs, sex, alcohol, and beatings." He ended with I wanted to barf just hearing my sister is going through that but also the others that is not a way to live.

"Do you think she is alive?" I ask he seems taken back by my question.

"Of course your sister is alive alpha." He says I sigh.

"No Justin and Mary daughter." I say he looks to with wide eyes.

"Oh, um. Uh.." He sighs and rubs his face I just look to him. "Alpha if she is she will need some serious help." He says to me I nod my head.

'We got the location.' My beta links me.

"Doc I am going to ask you to stay hear we are going to get my sister back and whatever girls they got I want you to take some time to talk to them." I say back to him he nods his head and I head out the door with the rest of my pack.


"What is going on?" Someone snaps and boy is he mad.

"Not sure alpha we came out and it was quiet but the others were dead." His beta says, they didn't know we were hiding.

"What the fuck!?" Another man snapped.

"COME OUT." The rouge snapped, I do not answer to him it is hard to deal with him and my wolf who seems to be jumping up and down in my head right now.

"I SAID COME OUT DAMN IT." He snapped again, but this time he used his alpha command I laughed because he will not get me using that, such a stupid kid.

"I answer to no one." I finally said back to him to let him know that does not work on me.

"I will kill you show yourself." He snapped once again.

"You are an abomination to wolfs you should not have a pack." I said back to him I heard him growl and I laughed.

"Well I do and I also got your sister alpha Xavier." He said this time saying my name with so much venom if it could kill I would be dead.

"Give me back my mate." My beta said to the man.

"Mate that girl is like 12 years old." The man snapped.

"That's none of your business." I said then a gust of wind hit and I smelled the most amazing thing I have ever smelt before

'MATE' My wolf growled.

"Who do you have with you?!" I snapped more in a panic tone.

"Step out." He said.

'My mate is with them.' I link my beta he looks to me with wide eyes and steps out, I go right after him, and when I see her I am more then happy, mad, sad, and in love with her. She is beautiful if you look past the cuts, bruises, black eye, and needle marks in her arms, she has a curvy body, bright pretty eyes and wonderful blonde hair that I know would be perfect if it was washed and taken care of properly.

"What the girls name?" My beta asked.

"That doesn't matter." He said grabbing the girl she winced and looked into my eyes.

'I think she knows you are her mate.' My beta says to me but I am too busy looking into her big eyes they are so innocent yet so broken.

"What is your name?" I ask looking to her.

"She does not talk." The man said before I can hear it from her.

"Wait what?" I ask looking to her still.

"She use to fight, kick, scream, yell, curse, all of that but I broke her now didn't I baby." He said but she did not budge she was looking at me in the eyes and not looking away it was sorta like she was searching for something.

"Just give me my mate and my sister and I am out of here." I say he laughs and looks around.

"Mate? Dude I do not got your mate I did not even hear the big bad alpha found her." He said I wanted to shift and end his life.

"The one you are holding I want her." I say he looks to the girl and he smirked.

"She is yours." He says with a sly smirk I nod my head she looks to me with wide eyes.

"I want her." I snap to him and start to walk over what he does next send's me over the top he takes out a knife and puts it to my mate she pushes him and stumbles back she starts to crawl away he tries to grab her but I yank his arm off he screams in pain and bolted away. I look around to see my pack and his pack fighting of course mine are winning.

Puny rouge's will never win against my pack.

"They found your sister." My beta said I nodded and looked around for my mate and see she is in the middle of the all the fights she's not doing much other then sitting and staring at everything around her the blood was landing on her but she just seemed dead and use to all the bloodshed around her.

Seeing two wolfs land on her I ran to her side and pushed them away placing my hand on her cheek, she looked into my eyes.

Goddess, she was perfect for me.


Word count: 1179

She was special. ✔✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن