'He will get his happy ending.'

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'ALPHA.' Is all you hear in the link many people calling I looked to him he looks to me.

"GO!" I yell he shakes his head 'no'.

"You not safe." He whimpered I shook my head no.

"NO GO NOW." I yell he nods and shifts mid air before running to the house, I start to run next to him because he is ahead me he gets to the house before me and in front of me is the war zone, wolfs everywhere fighting one another, Liliana, Briana, and Bella are all fighting with their mates Zack, Cody, and Borris all on the battle ground, but it seems like we are out numbered wolfs are everywhere and it is more then one pack. They must be alpha's wanting the power that comes with taken down the Xavier. 

"Luna." I hear a little voice I start to walk to the voice and it leads me to the back where I cannot help but scream, In front of my are all the pup's of the pack all the ages of 13-1 years old most are dead, others are clinging to the others one and in that moment something happens, I start to feel something my body gets warm and I look to my hands to see I am on fire, I look to the inside of the house and our pack is being dominated, to the front and most of the warriors and hunters have been taken out, men and women wolfs killing taking their own live's because of dead mates, and pups, I watch as another set of the hunters and warriors come out the woods good things is it is our pack, But the more they come the more the others come, I hear a loud yelp and then feel a pain, I try to move but the fire has me stuck to the floor.

"You can save your mate and the others." I hear a voice say I never heard that voice before.

"WHO IS THAT?" I yelled turning my head but I can't see anything but war in front of my eyes.

"Wrong question my dear, would you like to save your mate and your pups?" The voice ask.

"What pup's?" I ask the voice this time.

"You are with child my dear." The voice says again.

"We only did it one time and that was two days ago, no way am I already knocked up." I say to the voice.

"Yes you can save him and your child if you make a deal with I." The voice says I start to think.

"Who are you?" I ask back too the voice.

"I am the one that can help you now my dear is that a yes or no." The voice says I look around and see it all the death going on the only thing happening is the death of my mates pack.

"Deal." I say and then the floor rumbles and the wolfs start to die one by one the bodies the fall to the ground, but not from my mate's pack but the other packs they start to scream and pain and fall, then I feel it the fire.

"Leslie baby open your eyes." I do as told and I see my mate in front of my I look down and see blood coming out my stomach.

"Leslie no baby you can leave me no I need you baby I need you. We haven't seen the world, we haven't traveled you wanted to travel." His eyes are red he is crying I touch his face and look into his eyes.

"I did it for you." I say weakly too him he looks back to me.

"Eight months." Is all I say before my body shuts down and I feel like I am floating am I dying? Is this death? Why does it not hurt?

"Come my dear." The voice is back.

"What is going on? Where am I? Why does this feel weird?" I say too the voice who has yet to show her self..

"This is a safe place you will be nursed and your babies will be taken care of once you have your babies, you can watch as they are sent to your alpha with a note." The voice says to me I want to cry does this mean I am dead?

Seven months, three weeks, four days, five hours.

That is how long it has been since my mate and half my pack was ambushed by the rouge pack, horrible they were plotting and getting stronger while we were not worried about them, The day my mate died I wanted to die but something kept me from it. Maybe my wolf, or beta, or Justin. We lost Briana, Lillian, Bella, Cody, my mother, Leslie mother, and most of the pack. We have not taken revenge on them the pack and I agreed we needed to heal, grow, and take care of the pack. I been in my office I have yet to step foot in the room me and my mate shared, I also can not be around a women it makes me sick and when they look like they want to fuck me it makes me want to kill them. I do kill some of them but others I hold myself and think about what Leslie would want me to do. She wouldn't want me to kill the hoes.

'Alpha a box with your name on it has arrived.' I heard my beta link I sigh and stand up walking into the living room we have moved and we also got are pack back, all the pups, and wolfs that died will always long in my heart and I will always see the face of my dead mate, I never got what she said out of my head.  As I walk into the room I smell my mate that has been happening as I get closer to the box my beta looks like he was gonna faint.

"Alpha it is babies." He says and I rush over to the box it is a huge brown box with two babies, both little boys, one looks just like me and the other my mate one is laughing and the other is just starring blankly at everything. "A note." He said I grabbed it and walked a little away from the box, I opened the letter.

My alpha mate I am so sorry I did not make it, I had to do it because I needed to save you and them. Did you meet them? I hope you love them? I did not know but then a women came to me she was with the moon goddess an angel of her's, she told me I can save you, the pack, and the babies but I needed to die too watch over you because I was the only one who could save us that horrible day.

I am so sorry my love I never wanted to leave you but I wanted to save you, them and my son's I hope you do not hate me, You can name our son's because I had the privileged to see them first, I love you my mate.

You will meet the one my love, one day when you least expect it you will be happy, I love you Xavier. 

Sitting in this store it was two years since I got my kids and it never gets easy, I left the pack to my beta the day my son's turned a year old. I named them Carlisle, and Castro. I was in the store when I started to smell something berries and vanilla? I had both my sons in the cart and I found my legs walking too the smell.

"Daddy what you doing?" Castro ask I stop dead in my tracks.

"Oh nothing what you want for candy?" I ask them, ignoring the smell I walked down the aisle where the baby toys are.

"This one daddy. Truck." Castro says.

"No this one daddy. Baby doll." Carlisle adds on. I hear a soft chuckle and look up too see a pair of eyes looking right back into mine.


"Sorry it is Lilith, but you have some pretty little boys."



Word count: 1388

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