'This is her mate'

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It has been two days and it was a horrible two days Leslie was sick all day hot one minute, and cold the next today she was feeling and looking just a little better the barf was no more but the heat flashes, body aches, and shakes are still with her, the shakes are not that bad it is more of the pain in her body that affects her the most. She is laying in the bed right now she got out the shower and is waiting for the food, she speaks more not much but enough I told her that her mother and father were coming and instead of being happy she seems mad.

"Are you okay?" I hear a man voice ask me I look over and see Xavier I nod my head. I mean yes I am happy because he gives me happiness and yes I am mad because my parents are coming, want to know why I am mad? Because when I got taken I know it was hard for them but they did the opposite of what they should have done. They went crazy killing and being monsters they did not look for me because they were too busy wallowing in self pity.
'Like a bunch of jack asses.'

"Are you sure?" I hear him again I look to him.

"Okay no." I admitted he smiled.

"I knew it." he whispered and I blushed damn it.

"I still have not heard you laugh." He said with a frown.

"I know I am sorry I have not cried for a while either ." I say he looks back to me and hugs me I hug him back.

'Alpha Justin, and Luna Mary have arrived.' I hear my beta link.

"They are here." I say she tenses and looks to me she takes a deep breath.

"How do I look." She tries to lighten the mood I laugh.

"Gorgeous." I say tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and she laughs.

"I LAUGHED!!" She jumped up I grabbed her waist and hugged her she hugged me back. "I laughed." She whispered.

'Send them in.' I say back to my beta.

"Alright come on." I say and sit on the bed she sits next to me and plays with the hem of my shirt. "It will be okay." I whisper to her she looks to me and nods, the door opens and in comes Justin and Mary they both look to their daughter and throw them self's at her she flinches back, I hold her back so she doesn't fall off the bed they both hug her and cry she just looks uncomfortable, and a little irritated.

When they finally pulled back they looked to her.

"What is this?" Her mother looked to her arms Leslie looked down and put her other hand over it.

"NO TELL ME." Her mother yells everyone in the room seems taken back by her mother tone.

"CAN NOT TALK TELL ME DID YOU LEAVE ME AND YOUR FATHER FOR DRUGS!?" Her mother snaps I notice her father eyes goes black and in a split second he has his mate pressed against the wall by the neck, I grab my mate and sit her down on my lap.

"That is my daughter and your's you are talking to she was kidnapped watch your tone with my daughter Mary." He said to her but it was not his voice it was darker and scarier, it was not him talking it was his wolf in control.

"Enough." Leslie said standing up he looked to his daughter and dropped her to the ground in a second he was in front of her.

"My pup I am so sorry you will never lose me again." His wolf says to her. "I love you." He says kissing her cheek.

"Give me back my daddy." She says then he blinks and her father green eyes are back he looks to his daughter and pulls her into another hug this time she hugs him back.

"Leslie." Her mother calls they break the hug she walks back to me and I grab her, Justin walks to Mary.

"I am sorry Leslie." Her mother says.

"Its okay." Leslie mumbles, It was about two hours when her parents came they good things was she was not as sick, I left her in the hospital room with her parents and went to do some work it was not a lot just things my beta can not deal with. After I finished I went back into the room with my mate, her mother and father were talking to her about when they use to run.

"Hungry." She said looking to me I nodded and sat down next to her then nurse came in with her food.

"We are going to take her home." Her mother said and my wolf was so close to taken control no one is taking are mate, I look to my mate and her eyes were wide as she was looking to her mother.

"With all due respect-." I was cut off which my wolf did not like he let out a loud growl.

"I SAID I AM TAKING MY DAUGHTER HOME." She snapped I wanted to snap her pretty little neck but then my mate grabbed my hand and the tingles calm me right down.

"No." Leslie says her mother looks to her.

"Excuse me." She said to Leslie.

"I said no I want to stay with my mate." She said grabbing my hand tighter I grabbed her and lifted her to my lap.

"You are coming with me-." Her mother got cut off.

"ENOUGH MARY!" Justin snaps his mate shuts up. "This is her mate everything she been through she needs him stop thinking about your self for a couple minutes." He says she pouts like a child he may think that is cute but I don't I look down to my mate she is tracing circles on my arm I was wondering why I felt so calm in a tense situation.

"I'm tired." She mumbles more too her self other then anyone. I nod my head and lay her down as her mother and father exit the room her mother throws me one last glare I chuckle and hold my mate who is already asleep.

I lightly ran my hand through her hair, my mate was a magnificent  creature, but I still get this feeling as if she won't be with me in the love run.

It's a nagging pain I feel.

As for now, I'll love her, cherish her, and protect her with my life.


Word count: 1112

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