"I can miss them. It's just D.A.D.A and Flying."

He said, "Fine if you're just going to pester me until I tell you I suppose I could tell you."

My face lit up as he closed the door and said, "If you tell anyone I swear I will never speak to you again."

"Geez that's harsh, but okay. I wasn't planning on telling anyone anyways."

He nodded and said, "I know you weren't but I can't be too sure. I know you only have another hour until your next class so I'll shorten it."

I nodded and said, "Take as much time as you want. It doesn't matter if I miss D.A.D.A. Quirell stinks anyway."

He said, "Well once I made a mistake and the word Mr. Malfoy just brought back old memories. That is all so you can leave."

I looked at him and said, "That's not all of it. Come on I won't be upset."

He sighed and said, "Well to understand you have to know a little bit about what was going on. You see where I grew up there was this girl that lived close to me. She and I found out we were wizards and we became good friends, helping each other with everything. I would tell her all about magic and she would listen intently. When we got to Hogwarts she was put in Gryffindor and I was put in Slytherin. We were able to stay friends for a long time even though a bunch of my friends didn't like it and most of her friends weren't too keen on it either. I suppose you should also know that there were a few Gryffindors who took pleasure in making my life living hell simply because their leader liked her."

He looked like he was losing his nerve to do this and I said, "I'm sorry, I'm sure they know it wasn't good of them to do it now."

He nodded and continued, "Well whenever they did something she would always defend me. In fifth year I had started to hang around a bunch of Slytherins and they didn't like that I was friends with her. One day when James and his gang were busy tormenting me Lily stepped in and I got mad and called her a Mudblood. After that I tried to beg for her forgiveness but I had hurt her too badly. When Draco called Hermione that even though I knew they weren't friends and it was very different it just brought back those memories."

He was looking down unable to look up at me so I stayed quiet.

He said quietly, "You probably hate me now but well,"

I didn't let him finish because I threw my arms around his neck and put my head into his shoulder.

"I don't hate you. I could never hate you," I whispered.

He held me there for a few minutes before I pulled away almost in tears. I gave him a sympathetic smile and his lip curled up slightly.

"Now I get why you snapped at Malfoy," I said quietly.

He nodded and I continued, "I think I know why you hate Harry now too."

He winced and said, "I hadn't meant to use names but they slipped out."

"Well Harry's father is named James and I know his mother was named Lily. I'm assuming that they are the ones in your year at school? That's why you said he looks like his father and his father was in your year at school."

Severus nodded and said, "Yes. When I met Harry in Diagon Alley I knew who he was immediately. He looks exactly like his father in every way except his eyes are his mother's eyes. I figured that someone who looked so much like James Potter was bound to be as arrogant and annoying as his father."

"He isn't you know. From the way you tell it, it sounds like James wasn't nice to you and you have reason to hate him. You have to understand that Harry isn't his father, he's really nice and I think you need to see him for Harry not the man you hated throughout your childhood."

The Potions Master's Daughter (Book One)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora