"I'm sure you will. Parker will probably stay white, though." Mom chuckled.

I laughed. "Yeah, him and Payson are still white as ever while me and Hannah are getting darker."

"They've always been like that." Mom said. "Well, I'll let you guys go have fun. Be safe and we love and miss you all."

"We love and miss y'all, too." I smiled as I walked into the game room.

"Bye bye."

"Bye, Mom." I smiled before hanging up the phone.

"Ready, baby?" Parker smiled as he draped his arm over my shoulder.

"Yeah." I smiled as we walked out the door.


After hours of going down water slides together, then riding go-carts, we finally found our way into a restaurant. I'm sure we all looked great with our wet, messy hair and Hannah and I only wearing long tee shirts over our bikinis. Oh, well. It's the beach life.

We were seated in a booth, and our drinks came shortly after.

"That was really fun." I smiled as I held Parker's hand under the table.

"The best." Hannah agreed.

"It's been a while since we had been to a water park. It was really fun." Parker smirked.

"It was." Payson agreed, taking a sip of his drink.

"Parker, do we have to go back at the end of the week?" I smirked.

"Wish we didn't have to, baby." Parker smiled sympathetically as he kissed my temple. "But I gotta work."

"Payson, do we have to leave?" Hannah asked.

"You know we do." Payson smirked. "I promise we'll take a vacation again soon, though."

"Yay." Hannah smiled and leaned against Payson's shoulder.

Parker set his hand on my thigh and I held his arm while I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"We're two good looking couples, ain't we?" I smirked.

"Best looking couples around." Hannah smiled.

"Hey, there's a doctor over there." Parker whispered as he nodded towards the booth where a man in scrubs was sitting.

"Okay..." I smiled. "And?"

Payson turned around for a quick second to see him.

"He's got four girls sitting in that booth with him." Payson whispered.

"Nuh-uh." Hannah and I said as we started trying to look over there.

"I guess doctors get all the girls they want." I smirked as I sat back down after I saw the doctor and four girls.

"Playa." Hannah scoffed. "But hey, he's a doctor. And he's not that bad on the eyes either."

Hannah winked at me and I knew what she was doing, so I played along.

"Yeah, and he knows all about the body." I smirked, feeling Parker's death glare.

"Oh, yeah." Hannah smirked. "Rich, handsome, and good with his hands."

I looked from Hannah to Payson and saw Payson's glare at her. I stifled a laugh and said, "You wanna go join the party?"

"Please." Hannah smiled.

Hannah and I were both holding back laughter as we watched the guys look from us, to each other, then back to us, sending glares to that doctor, looking at each other, and then ending with staring at us.

The Miner's GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon