
I look at him, trying to make something up. "It's not like I'm actually going to get one" I said with a bored tone. "I don't even know any of you that well" David rolls his eyes "Here we go again with the 'you guys are strangers' strategy. That move is getting old, Brunette" I give him the best glare that I can do but I probably just ended up looking like an angry squirrel. "Aw come on, don't be so grumpy. Maybe I'll kiss you" David winks which earns a gag from me. "No thanks, Williams"

"Oh please, no one has ever rejected me and this kissable lips"

"You and your kissable lips can kiss my kissable ass" I swear I saw Xander smile from the corner of my eyes. "You're a tough cookie, Brunette" David's eyes shine and he grins. "But you can't go home without completing the list" I look at him confused "What do you mean?"

David smirks

"We're not going home until you get that fucking summer kiss that you deserve, Brunette. Even if it takes years"


I look at the ocean and the people having fun at the beach with half opened eyes. The sun was shining brighter than earlier and it was hurting my eyes. I was currently at the balcony trying to think of something to do. We we're leaving tomorrow and I wanted to explore this place before go back.

I need coffee, I need the comfortable silence and the relaxing scent of coffee shops. I go inside my bedroom and changed into shorts and a black loose tank top. I tie my hair into a ponytail and grabbed my phone.

Knock knock

"Come in" I said politely while putting my shoes on. I look up and saw Xander standing there with his arms crossed making his mucles pop. I look at him confused and slightly mad because of what happened last night but I didn't want him to see that he was affecting me.

I wasn't going to let him see how much he affects me.

"Hey" I said casually. "Where are you going?" He said looking at me head to toe. "Out" I said while dusting off the imaginary dust on my tank top. "Where? You don't even know this place"

I mentally face palm myself.

He was right

I don't know this place. Not even a little.

"Oh I was planning to ask David where the nearest coffee shop is" Liar. Xander looks at me with narrowed eyes. "There's coffee downstairs, in the kitchen, third cabinet" He said. Now it was my turn to look at him with narrowed eyes. "You see, I have a thing for coffee shops. I think coffee shops are relaxing and comforting. I don't just come for the coffee, I also come for the place itself" I said giving him an embarrassing smile while looking down. He probably thinks I'm a weirdo for being addicted to coffee shops. But instead of looking at me weirdly, he looks at me with suspicion, like he was trying to solve or figure something out.

"Let's go then" He said then gracefully walks out of the door.

My eyes widened

The world stopped

What did he just say?

"What?" I asked confused and nervous.

He looks at me with a irritated expression on like repeating something he already said was something that ticked him off so much.

"I honestly hate repeating stuff that I already said especially if I said it loud and clear, Lauren" He said darkly. I roll my eyes and walked past him "I guess I'll just talk to you later then, Mr. Grumpy" He grabs my wrist gently to stop me. He lets out a deep and irritated sigh.

"I said okay, let's go then"

I wish he didn't notice how my eyes lit up when he said those words, I wish he didn't notice my shaking hands, I wish he didn't notice the slow smile that appeared on my face. But I was sure that he noticed because the irritated look on his face vanished and was replaced with his famous no expression face.

"You're coming with me?" I asked with disbelief. "You don't know this place, Lauren. I don't want you to get lost. If you get lost we would have to search for you and that's just tiring" I was about to open my mouth to say that he didn't need to come with me. But he makes me shut up by only lifting one finger and looking at me with daring eyes.

"Let's go then"


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