Chapter 16

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I wipe away the tears furiously while looking at myself in the mirror. He's so hot headed, stubborn, confusing, annoying-

"Lauren?" I turn around and see Andrea wearing shorts and a bikini top. "Wanna go to the beach with me and eye fuck hot boys?" I raise my brow and smiled "Sure"


"I thought you like David?" I asked while looking around. It wasn't sunny that much anymore because it was almost six p.m. The wind was kind of cold now. "I do" I raise my brow while looking at her "Then why do you want to eye fuck hot guys?" She rolls her eyes "Well duh, we're not together plus he's busy with his friends today which means he's not flirting with me. By the way, Xander's sick today" It was my turn to roll my eyes and frown "I know" She looks at me "What's with the grumpy face?"

"I tried to help him but instead he went crazy and yelled at me" Her eyes widened "Really? Wow that guy really is hot headed"

"Tell me about it" I sighed "Well did he apologize?" I shook my head "Before I left his room he was trying to talk to me, he kept calling me"

"And....?" She waited for me to tell her more. "I ignored him" She smiles and gave me a high five. "Girl power!" She yelled. I chuckle while shaking me head "You're so weird"

Her eyes widened and fake coughs "Hottie alert, don't look now but oh my god Lauren there's a very good looking man behind you" I was about to turn around but she slaps my arm "Don't freaking turn around!" She hissed "He's gonna know we're interested in him which will make him think we're easy to get so stay fucking still and turn around when I tell you to" I roll my eyes but listened to her.

"Okay go turn around and look at him" I turn around and saw a tan guy with long brown hair. His body was well built and he was tall but not as tall as Xander. I look at his face while squinting because my vision is not that good. He must of felt someone looking at him because he turned around and looked at me, my breath hitched in my throat. Andrea coughs and nudges my arm "Okay that's enough he's looking at you now" She whispered. I look at her with wide eyes "He looks familiar" Her eyes widened too "Oh my god, he's going this way, act cool okay?" My heart started beating faster. That's impossible....he can't be- "Lauren?" I heard a deep voice say.

My heart stopped

I turn around slowly and looked at the man. "Hi...?" I said with a fake confused voice "How'd you know my name?" He gives me a dimpled smile and shakes his head. "Still the same Lauren Blackwell" He chuckles and crosses his arms which made his biceps pop. "West?" I asked with wide eyes. He laughs and nods while spreading his arms. "In the flesh, ely" I smiled and tackled him with a bear hug. "I'm guessing you missed me?" He asked while wrapping his strong arms around me. I nod my head while smiling widely "Yes, you little crap!" He chuckles "I didn't know you lived here? Since when did you move? How's Uncle Thomas?"

"I don't, just having a vacation with some new friends, I live in California now and uncle's doing great" He nods and looks behind me. I turn around and looked at Andrea who looked confused. "Oh I forgot, this is Andrea" I backed away so West could see Andrea more. He flashes Andrea his famous grin and gives her a nod "What's good? The name's West" I roll my eyes when Andrea's eyes sparkled. "Andrea, how did you meet Lauren?" She asked, confused. His eyes sparkled and looked at me while scratching the back of his neck. "Well....let's just say I was one of the boys who fell for her charm" I blushed when Andrea looked at me amused. "But she broke my heart cause I was not good looking before" I slap his arm "That was not the reason why I didn't give you a chance you scum bag" He raises his brow "Oh really? What was your reason then?"

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