Chapter 6

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David has been driving for four hours now while talking to Andrea. I look at them. When will they stop talking?

"I'm hungry" David said. "What do you want me to prepare?" I said while putting down the book I was reading and removing my glasses. "Hm I want pizza, how about you guys?" I just shrug "Anything's fine"

"Same" Andrea said.

I grab the frozen pizza inside the fridge. I close the fridge using my foot and I put eight slices of pizza inside the microwave. Two slices for each of us.

"It's a good thing your parents allowed you to go on a one week vacation with friends" He said. "I live with my granny, my mom works in a different country. My dad died when I was just a baby" She explained.

"How about you Ely?" David asked. I look at him for a moment and I shrug "I live alone" I said. Andrea turns around to look at me with a look that says "are you serious?"

"Why?" David asked curiously. "My parents died in a car accident when I was just nine years old" I said calmly. David and Andrea doesn't talk. They probably feel guilty for bringing it up. "Hey it's okay you guys, seriously" I said while forcing a laugh that sounded real. "My uncle took care of me ever since" I said "I remember memories with my parents but not that much" I said while looking at my hands "I like it that way..." I added. I look at them and smiled "It makes it easier"

David stops the car because of a stop light. He stands up and hugs me. "What a strong brunette...." He whispered to me. I froze but after a second I slowly hug him back. "Thanks, Williams" I said. He pulls away and smiles. He walks back to the driver's seat and started driving again when the stop light turned green. "You know I still don't know your last name" He said. I grab 4 plates and started putting two slices of pizza on each plate.

"Blackwell" I said "Lauren Elizabeth Blackwell" I give Andrea her plate and I place David's plate on his lap. "Thanks Ely" I give him a warm smile. "How about Xander?" Andrea asked while chewing her pizza. "The poor boy has been inside that room for more than three hours now, Ely" David said while smirking "Be a good girl and bring him his food" I look at Xander's plate. "He might throw a bottle at me" I mumbled. David laughs "It's good to know you're already getting to know him" My eyes widened "But I can assure you that he won't. Xander's a really nice guy" He said seriously "He can be rough but inside?" He shooks his head while smiling "You have no idea how nice that guy is" He said.

I was still looking at the plate thinking if I was going to do it. "If you wan't i'll do it" Andrea said quietly while smiling. I look at her "No, it's okay" I sigh and stand up "I'll do it"

I grab the plate and I walk slowly towards the door. I knock on the door softly. But nobody answered. I knock on the door again a little louder this time. But still Xander didn't open the door. I twist the door knob expecting it was locked. But I was wrong.

I push the door open slowly. I look at Xander who was sleeping. I look at the floor and I see two bottles that were empty. I place the pizza on the end of the bed gently trying not to wake him up. Then I grab the empty bottles planning to throw them away.

"You don't need to clean my mess" I jumped a little then accidentally let go of one bottle. I close my eyes expecting to hear glass shatter. But it didn't come. I slowly opened my eyes and I saw Xander holding the bottle. I look at him and the bottle he was holding. He grabs the other bottle that I was still holding. "I brought you food" I said quietly. He looks at the plate for a long time. I look down nervously "Thanks" He said then he started eating. I give him a small smile "You're welcome" I whispered. "Do you want some?" He asked. I shook my head "I already should finish that" He doesn't answer he just continued eating slowly. I walk slowly to the door. I grab the door knob but instead of leaving I just stand there looking stupid.

"Xander? I said still facing the door. I close my eyes tightly

What am I doing?

I turn around and I saw him looking at me. I scratch my arm "You should come out of this room, hang out with us" I said slowly. "You know....have fun" When he doesn't answer I decided to say whatever I want to say. "Have a break on drinking or smoking for a while and stop isolating yourself" I said quietly and gently. I wait for his answer but he doesn't give me one. I sigh quietly and decided to leave.

"What took you so long, Ely?" David asked while smirking. I roll my eyes "I woke him up, he was sleeping when I entered the room" I lied. "Oh really now?" I open the fridge to grab a bottle of water. I suddenly feel hot and thirsty. "Yes really" I said while opening the bottle. "Did something happen, little Ely?" David teased. "Shut up" I said grabbing my glasses and putting it on again. I sit on the big coach and started reading the book I was reading a while ago again.

After five minutes. Xander comes out holding two empty bottles in one hand and a plate on the other hand. "Good to see you alive, man" David yelled. Xander ignores him and throws away the bottles and putting the dirty plate on the small sink. I ignore him, he was just throwing his garbage away then he'll go back inside the room.

"You like reading?" A deep voice asked. I look at Xander who was now sitting beside me. My eyes widened "Uh yeah" I smiled. He nods "That's good"

"Sorry if I woke you up..." I said.

"I wasn't sleeping, I was just relaxing" He said. "Oh okay..." I said. I started playing with my water "Oh wait" I said. I stand up and I grab a bottle of water from the fridge. I sit down beside him again and I give him the bottle. He looks at the bottle then at me. "Drink it" I said while smiling. "Why?" He asked

"Because you need to, you just finished eating. When was the last time you drank water? Yesterday?" He looks at me suspiciously. He was looking at me like this was the first time someone reminded him to drink water after eating. He opens the bottle and started drinking it. He finishes the bottle then throws it away.

"You should get ready to talk for hours, Blackwell" David said while chuckling. I look at him confused "Why?" He smirks "You're staying up with Xander tonight remember?"

"Its okay, you can just sleep. I can handle myself" Xander said. "No, Andrea stayed with David. I'm staying with you" I said. He looks at me "You sure you can stay awake til' sunrise?" He asked raising his eyebrow

"I can try..."


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