Chapter 10

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"Wake up, brunette" A male voice yelled while hitting me with a pillow. "Piss off" I groaned while wrapping the blanket around me tightly. I heard him fake gasp "Stop swearing that's bad" I open my eyes and glared at David. "Get out, I need to sleep" I said seriously. "Our adventures begins today brunette. Now get your stinky ass up and take a bath you smell really bad" I remove the blanket and sat up while rubbing my eyes. "My ass doesn't stink" I said. He looks at me "Are we seriously going to argue about the smell of your ass before you go take a bath?" He asked. I go inside the bathroom but before closing the door, I look at David and said "Bet my ass smells better than yours"


I look at the mirror and smiled. I was wearing high waisted shorts, a fitted gray crop top and flats. I look at my make up. It was good, I was only wearing light make up. I walk downstairs and see David, Andrea and Xander eating breakfast while talking.

"Morning" I yelled. Andrea looks at me and gave me a wide smile "Morning and you look beautiful today" David chuckles "Morning brunette" I look at Xander who was busy drinking coffee. "So whats the plan?" I asked while sitting down beside Andrea. David hands me and Andrea a piece of paper and a pen "Well, we're asking both of you girls to write down the things you guys want to do" I look at him "Why?" I asked suspiciously "It's like a bucket list" David said while smiling "We're going to do every single thing you guys write" Andrea's eyes widened "Even cliff diving?" I look at her like she was crazy "That's not a bucket list, that's a death wish" I said. Andrea looks at me and smirks "You're afraid of heights, aren't you?" She teased. "Maybe" I shrugged

"Well then, it sucks to be you right now because that's one of the things i'm writing" Andrea said while writing her death wish quickly. I look at David "We're not doing that right?" I asked seriously. He smirks and shrugs "Maybe"

I look at the paper and I started thinking of things I wanted to do. "Andrea already wrote like three things, ely. Start writing" David chuckled while drinking coffee. "How many things are we allowed to write?" Andrea asked. David puts on a thinking face "Well, five for each of you. Our plan is atleast doing two activities everyday. We're going to stay here for seven days so we'll do ten activities that you guys wrote and all of that will be done in five days" Andrea nods "But you said we're staying here for seven days. What are we going to do with the extra two days if we're going to finish all of our activities in five days?" I asked. He smirks "Xander and I already planned things out so just trust us and just have fun okay?" I look at him suspiciously. To be honest, I don't even know why I'm here and why I agreed to this but something about David and Xander made me feel safe. "Stop worrying about things so much, Ely" David said seriously "We brought you here to teach you how to live life and show you how beautiful life is okay?" David said while squeezing my hand. "We'll keep you safe, we promise" Xander who was silent the whole conversation looks at me and gives me a half smile which made me smile too.

"I'm done!" Andrea yelled excitedly which made me jump. "Let me see" I said while snatching the paper.

1. Cliff diving (because that's just awesome and I want to see lauren shit her pants)
2. zip line (because that will also make lauren shit her pants)
4. camping
5. bon fire with marshmallows and scary stories ofcourse! :)

I look at Andrea "I don't know if I should be touched because you just dedicated your list to me or pissed off because you actually want to see me shit my pants" She shrugs while chuckling "I think both"

"Have you written anything yet?" David asked. I shook my head "Give me two minutes" I said while grabbing the pen and looking at the paper while thinking.

What do I want to do?

Out of nowhere my hand started moving

1. Ride a jet ski

I wrote

"One minute and thirty seconds" David said.

2. Get super drunk and have a drunk conversation with someone

"One minute left, brunette"

3. Do some illegal things

"30 seconds"

4. Fly a lantern and make a wish


5. Summer kiss

"Done" I said while putting the pen down. David grabs the paper "You want to do illegal things?" He chuckles "Don't judge me, I just want to try but I'm scared that I might go to jail" I said softly. Xander looks at me, amused. "Well, that's surprising but don't worry, little one" David said while patting my head "I gotcha covered" Andrea reads my list "Summer kiss?" Andrea looks at me. I just shrug "You want to kiss me, I knew it" David said while sighing "You could've just told me instead of writing it down" I roll my eyes "I wan't to meet a guy, a guy that would make me never forget this summer" David just chuckles "Okay then, princess" David grabs both of our paper and reads it "Okay so Andrea the first thing on your list is cliff diving" David looks at me and winks "And Lauren here wants to ride a jet ski" David nods and smiles "Not bad, ladies"

"Let's go then" Xander spoke for the first time this morning. I look at him "Now? You mean we're doing them now?" I asked not believing him. "Didn't we say that we're going to do two activities each day?" I nod "Then go grab a swim suit and extra clothes then let's go" Xander stands up and goes upstairs to his room to pack. I look at David "Are you serious?" David smirks and crosses his arms "Dead serious, babe" He stands up and leaves to pack.

"Oh my god let's go and pack now!" Andrea squeels and runs to her room. I walk upstairs to my room and started removing my clothes. I put my black bikini on and wore my clothes again. I put extra clothes inside my small bag and some other stuff. I put my shades on and ran downstairs.

"Let's go?" David asked while holding a bag. I nod and we got out of the house. Xander was already inside his Porsche. "We're riding that?" I asked shocked "Yep" David answered normally. "I can't believe this is happening" Andrea said excitedly. "I love life so much right now" Andrea added.

"Hey! Come on we got a cliff to jump and a jet ski to ride" David yelled while getting inside the car.

I gulped

A cliff to jump?


Sorry it took me forever to update! I'm just so busy 😐 but i'll update more soon! You guys are going to love the next chapters 😁😁

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