Lauren would trust Camila with her life.

Camila kisses her cheek. "You know, I always get really happy when Lucy calls me your Camila, when you guys are talking. Like, hearing other people be like, that's Camila, she's Lauren's... it just makes me really happy."

Lauren hums. "I love you. Can I keep drawing you now?"

"You're drawing me?" Camila frowns, and looks over at Lauren's sketchbook before the older girl can stop her. While she doesn't like people looking at her sketches before they're finished, she decides to let Camila, because she hadn't asked permission before she started drawing.

While Camila is silent, Lauren wonders if she likes the drawing. "Is it... okay?"

"You're drawing me," Camila says again, looking over the rough sketch, "naked."

"Um," Lauren flushes, and shifts uncomfortably. "I- um, yes. I am. Is that... is that alright?"

"Of course it's alright, baby," Camila replies, still staring at the drawing, enamoured. "It's just- um... this was me when I was reading, right?"

Lauren nods. "Yes. I thought you looked very beautiful."

"Well, uh," Camila laughs, "I'm not naked right now, Laur. And- um, it's a pretty... accurate drawing."

"Yes," Lauren confirms again, because she's a very good artist, and all of her drawings, even if it's from memory, are very accurate. "I am a good artist."

"I'm not arguing with that." Camila answers, looking over the drawing. "It's just... really accurate. Like... this is from memory? You don't have a sneaky picture you're using?"

"No, why would I have a picture?" Lauren asks. "You've never sent me any. But I like your body, and I think about it a lot. Unless... unless you don't want me to."

"I'm glad you do," Camila smiles, "means you think about me a lot. Which, you know, is kind of implied, since we're in love and all that cheesy stuff, but... yeah."

"You're always on my mind," Lauren shrugs. Sometimes, she sees things in a store, and the first thought in her head is oh, Camila would like that. She thinks about her girlfriend a lot, even if it's not in an entirely sexual way. "Can I go back to drawing now? It's only a rough sketch, so..."

"Sure," Camila passes the sketchbook back, and Lauren goes back to drawing, humming to herself. "It kind of shocks me that we only have a month and a half left in Miami. I don't want to leave, in a weird way."

"I am worried about the change and how it will affect me," Lauren replies, smiling down at her art. "But I'll have you to keep me grounded. Even if I get upset, which I might, because I don't like big changes, you know how to look after me. Like, um... when we went to the petting zoo."

"Oh," Camila's face falls, remembering how upset Lauren was. "Yeah... that wasn't a good day."

"Except, in a way, it was," Lauren continues, "like, um... you handled it really well. Compared to the last time I went into sensory overload and did something bad, like- uh, the first time, I told you to shut up, and you got mad. But- um, with this, I pushed you, and you still- you didn't get mad. You looked after me."

Camila laughs. "It was a weak shove. Like I've always said, I'm clearly the tough one in this relationship."

"Yes, you're my protector," Lauren beams in agreement, shading a part in her drawing. "But you looked after me. You're just... I'm really happy. That you understand me now. You've understood me for a while, but... yes. Can we do something fun? When I finish my drawing, though."

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