Chapter 96

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Liliana's pov

"Okay, last time I checked in on Mrs. Jefferson her vitals were good, but I still want you to keep a steady check on her and to update me if there are any changes" I instruct Stephanie

"Yes ma'am" she nods before walking away to tend to the patient and I focus on my patient files.

"Hey, what are you doing here" I ask when I see Derek walking over to the front desk where I'm standing reviewing files

"Hey, I just had to come in and drop the kids off to daycare before I go run a couple of errands and I thought I'd check in and see how your days going" he says

"Oh, well it's going fine. Just busy as usual. I've had back to back surgeries all morning. This is the first time today that I've gotten a couple of minutes outside of the O.R." I sigh

"The life of being the Chief of Neuro" he smirks

"I know, gotta love it" I smile

"How's Jackson? I haven't seen him around" he asks making me tense up. After our argument last night, Jackson and I were not speaking at all. We didn't even end up sleeping in the same room last night, he ended up going to our guest room, which was probably for the best because I don't think either one of us wanted to be anywhere near each other last night.

"Not sure, I haven't seen him this morning. I had to come in early, so I left before he woke up" I shrug as I continue focusing on my files

"Is everything okay" he asks

"Yeah, everything is just great" I sigh

"That means no. Come on, we're going to go talk" he says taking my iPad from me and handing it to the nurse before taking me to a conference room

"Derek, I have work to do. I can't just sit here and talk about my problems" I say as we sit down at the table

"Well we're not leaving from in here until you do. You can't focus on work properly if you're upset anyways" he says

"Fine" I sigh

"What's going on with you and Jackson? Is it about what we talked about yesterday" he asks

"Yeah. After you and I talked, I decided that Jackson and I really needed to have a discussion about our marriage and learning to communicate again after everything that's happened and it didn't go well at all. He basically feels like I'm being selfish and like I only care about how I feel and what I need and not what he needs. So our conversation ended horribly and with us sleeping in separate rooms" I sigh

"I'm sorry" he sighs sympathetically

"No, don't apologize. It isn't like its your fault" I say

"I know, but I still hate that you two aren't getting along" he says

"Me too. I don't know why I was so clueless and expected everything to be exactly how it was before our baby died, but now I realize that things have changed and I have to get used to that and I will, but the thing I can't get used to is not knowing who I am as a surgeon, as a wife, or as a person in general and honestly I think I need a change if I'm ever going to figure that out" I say

"What do you mean" he asks

"I mean, if the offers still open I want to take you up on your offer to go back to D.C. with you when you leave" I sigh

"Of course the offers still open, but are you sure that's what you want to do" he asks

"Yeah, I thought about it all last night. I think what Jackson and I both need is some time apart so we can work on finding ourselves and learning what we need individually. We can't make each other happy if we can't make ourselves happy first" I say

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