Furniture Shopping

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"Jensen, are you sure you don't care?" You asked him as you glanced between your two favorite sets of patio furniture. They were both great, and exactly what you wanted, and you couldn't decide which one to get.

"Get both." He answered, and you rolled your eyes at him. "Seriously Y/N, I just want you to be happy with it. I love them both."

Sighing, you pointed at the rich chocolate set, with its gazebo, couches, and table with a built-in fire pit. It was fancy and outrageous, and you couldn't wait to spend your evenings out in it. "Can we get a set exactly like this for the house in Texas?" You asked Jensen, who chuckled.

"Yeah, it does need some new furniture. I want you to feel free to change that one as well. It's your home too." He assured you, as he called the salesman over. After ordering two sets, having one delivered to Texas, the two of you left the store, hand in hand.

"Where to next?" He asked you.

"The engagement photos." You told him. "I called a friend of Jeannie's, and she was able to get us in. Today. Which will be perfect because then we can have a picture in our announcement."

"Wow, that was quick." He answered.

"Yeah, but it was her only free time. I already have a bag packed of clothing changes. You're such a pro at photo shoots, it shouldn't take very long. Then I'll treat you to our favorite Italian restaurant." You bribed him.

Raising an eyebrow at you, he didn't argue too much. "And the cannoli's?"

"Especially the cannoli's." You assured him, before giving him directions to the park you were meeting at. You were actually excited about this moment. Getting professional photos taken of you and Jensen. Photos that you could hang up in your house. Sure, you had the selfies the two of you had taken, but this seemed real, and permanent. It made you realize that the wedding was actually happening, and you could feel nerves and excitement settling in at the thought.

Pulling into the fancy park, you saw the woman waiting for you, a huge camera bag beside her. "Hey, you must be Y/N and Jensen! I'm Marlee!" The petite red-haired woman exclaimed as she shook your hand.

Jensen stood off to the back, letting you take the lead. Marlee was confident, and knew exactly what she wanted. Following her instructions, you and Jensen stood in a couple of different poses, with the lake, and flowers often behind you. At one moment, with his hands on your waist, you couldn't help but blush under his intense gaze.

"You're so freaking beautiful." He whispered, his hand coming up to brush his knuckles against your cheek. "How did I get so lucky?"

"That's perfect!" Marlee yelled, as you smiled up at him. You couldn't believe this amazing man loved you as much as you loved him. That you were going to be marrying him.

"I think I've got all I need." She told you. "You two were the easiest I've had to work with. Of course, I figured working with Jensen would be easy. But the love just shines between the two of you, making the pictures perfect."

"Thank you. When do you expect we can have at least one picture back? For our engagement announcement?"

"I can send you one tonight." She assured you. "The rest will be done in a couple of days."

After thanking her again, Jensen headed towards the main part of town, where your apartment used to be. While he parked in a loading zone, you raced inside, your food already waiting for you by the door. The main owner, Enrique, was waiting by your order, a huge smile on his face. "There you are!! We've missed you and Jensen!"

After getting a huge hug, you were handed your food, along with an extra order of cannoli's, free of charge. "Thank you so much. Do you cater by chance?"

Spending the next couple of minutes talking wedding plans with Enrique, you headed back to Jensen, who was looking a little worried. "For a moment, I thought you were going to run off with Enrique!" He teased as he pulled away from the curb.

"Well, he did offer. And a lifetime supply of cannoli's and Italian food was hard to say no to. But I told him I couldn't leave you and those bow legs of yours."

"Hey. I'll cook you Italian food." He answered, and you chuckled softly.

"I'll marry you even if you don't cook for me." You assured him.

It wasn't much longer before he was pulling into the garage of your home, and you just leaned back and sighed, a huge smile on your face. "What?" He asked you, the two of you sitting in the car. Not making any attempt to go into the house yet.

"I'm just happy." You told him.

"I'm glad." He answered, reaching over and squeezing your hand.

"No, seriously. I don't think I've ever been this happy in my entire life. It seems like everything is falling into place. I love my job, and living in Vancouver. This house is absolutely perfect. And did I mention that I'm in love with the most amazing man in the world."

Suddenly his lips were pressing against yours, a sweet kiss, one that promised of things to come. "I think you're wrong. Because I'm in love with the most amazing woman. And that's just not fair if we're both the most amazing people in the world."

Smacking him on his shoulder, you giggled as you climbed out of the car. "I meant it, you know. But just because of that, I get the extra cannoli!"

"I don't think so!" He answered, grabbing the bag from you and racing into the house. As you followed him, you saw Ryder coming out his room, his phone in his hand.

"Welcome back." He said. You could still tell he was upset that you hadn't let him go along with you, but with Jensen by your side, you didn't want the bodyguard trailing behind.

"Hey buddy. Why don't you take the night off? Y/N and I are just going to stay in. Watch a movie, eat dinner."

"I'll be in my room." He answered. "Let me know if you need anything." With that he turned and shut the door behind him.

"Well, he's all business. I guess that's a good thing." Jensen muttered, grabbing a couple of forks before the two of you made your way into the living room. Settling on a new movie you've been wanting to see, you sank down on the couch, ready to stuff your face full of pasta.

"Y/N." Jensen said, suddenly serious. "We will get this thing with Brad taken care of. And then, it will be just you and me. And Rome. If you'll go."

"Rome?" You questioned, and he nodded.

"There is a convention in Rome. It's always a blast, and I want you to go with me."

"Of course. I'm not going to turn down a trip to Rome." You answered him, reaching over and taking the breadstick from his hand. 

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