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   I stand myself up straight and smile towards my mom. Walking towards the principal, I receive my diploma.

My palms sweat but I smile.


I feel a warm hand come in contact with my shaking shoulder.

"Congrats, Alex." My mom gives a warm smile, afterwords requesting a picture of me and Abby together.

   My breathing is slow and staggered, mostly because of social anxiety.

   Abby puts her arm over my shoulder while I put my arm around her waist. I'm uncomfortable but it's for a photo so I guess it's alright.

"Alright, done." My mom chirps.

   I'm glad I have my old mom back. The one that always smiles, the one that is really sweet.

"Thanks Abby. For being here." I give her a small smile and we exchange weird looks.


I close the car door, leaning back into the seat.
Abby sits behind me, with Justin on her left.

"Mom, I know it's late but," she looks up from her phone to put the keys into the ignition, "can we go visit Kian?"



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