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   My knuckles collide with the door three times and a drunk Bryce opens it with a drink in his hand.

"Standall." He laughs, gesturing me in the door.

   I step into the house, glancing at every single person around. They all look so happy, with smiles plastered on their faces. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that doesn't have one.
   My shoes squeak against the cold floor. I sit on the couch and start to go through my phone.
It buzzes in my hand and a text pops up on the screen.

Kian|| they could possibly be letting me out soon, come visit asap

My fingers hover over the letters as I type quickly.

Alex|| I'll come in the morning around 10:00 sound alright?

Kian|| yes, see you then,

   Clicking the power button to my phone, I stand up quietly.
   My eyes gaze upon the people around me, many have left. How long was I on my phone for?
   I turn my heel to head out the door, I really should get home.

"Where you going Standall?" Bryce basically yells in my ear.

"I-I don't f-feel well." I lie, putting a hand over my forehead.
   Bryce smells of alcohol as he breathes on me.

"Sad, we were just starting to have fun!"

   By we you mean you. I was having no fun whatsoever, are you really that blind not to see that?

   The door is closed behind me, but as I walk further and further from the house, I can still hear the music loud and clear.

(A/N: another short chapter because I had another track meet today and had a lot of homework :( drop ideas for the book in the comments section please!!!)

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