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It's 3:10am and I'm laying in bed writing this because I can't sleep :)


The lights in the room are shut off. I have a massive headache so it helps.
The blinds to the window are open, though the sky is full of clouds, and quite gloomy.
My hair is still sprawled across my forehead, which bugs me a lot.

   I look over towards the empty bed on the other side of the hospital room. The only light in the room shines above it, making that part of the room brighter than the rest.
Except, the bed wasn't as empty as I thought. I hear a small groan and a figure moves under the white sheets.

"Hello?" My voice is hoarse and almost inaudible.

A long silence fills the room. The figure sits up and reveals a teenager, about my age, with frayed brown hair.

"Yeah?" His voice booms, causing me to flinch because of my headache.

"Who are you?"

He sits there, staring at me up and down. It makes me uncomfortable, therefore I shift to the left a little bit.
The boy snaps back into focus and smiles.

"Kian. Browne."

I twitch my hand, but it won't budge.


I lay with my head against the pillow, my nose towards the plain white ceiling. The faint smell of food races across my nose. It's late, about 10:00. A slight sign of light shines under the door.
I move my head towards the hospital bed and notice Kian is gone. The room is completely quiet, and it's creepy.
Weird clicking noises sounds from the window.
It's Kian, looking out the window, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth.

"Lovely, isn't it?"

Strange boy. He makes me laugh.

A/N: Creds to magiccreatures10 for the idea :) give them a follow!!!

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