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(This is a boring chapter but oh well)
   Kian sits at the end of my bed, legs criss-cross. I still remain laying down, I'm still weak.

"What happened to you...like why're you here?" He asks, his hands in his lap, fingers laced around the other.

   I look up at the ceiling, trying to stall. I don't want to tell him, but maybe I should?

"Attempted suicide." I mumble and start to fidget with my thumbs. Honestly, it pains me even more to say it.

   Kian looks at me for a second then shrugs.

"Dude I don't even remember." He laughs.

   Wow. Smooth.


   The sun descends into the night again. Kian, lays in his bed, probably knocked out from all the drugs they have him on.
I'm not allowed to take pills, they have to put some of the medicines through my IV. They normally come when I'm sleeping so I don't even know.
For what it's worth, the pills usually make me sleepy, so I guess I'm catching up on all the sleep I've missed.
Tonight, for some reason, I can't sleep.

Kian has the blanket pulled up to his face, curled under his fingers. His hair mops over his eyes, so I can't really tell if he's awake or sleeping.

I'm pretty sure Kian is mental. He's good looking, so you would never notice, but the way he acts and his strange outbursts confuse me.

The clock above me clicks at every boring second. I was awake this time when they gave me my medicine, and I'm slowly becoming drowsy.

I sigh as I'm about to close my eyes.






A/N: Im at a friend's house so Im writing on her computer. LOL, so I need further help, leave suggestions on what should happen next in the comments or private message me...You'll get credit/shoutout!! :) byeee! Thank you so much for reading and please comment, I love reading your guys' comments:)

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