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I would've been like Hannah. Except I didn't leave tapes behind, or a suicide note.
I figured I would just be dead and gone, no one to find me, no one to care. I would've just left without a trace.

I vaguely remember laying in my bed that night I got the tapes, astonished of what I was listening to.
I felt really bad about every thing that happened to her, and everyone thought she was over exaggerating, but everything that happened to her was because of me.



I lay in the hospital bed with a white blanket over my legs. Kian and I are chatting about the randomest things.

"What would happen if a goat walked in here?" Kian blurts out, keeping a straight face.

"What?" I look at him and repeat, "a goat?"

I laugh but he gives me a weird look.

"Just to like...walk in here? Yeah, I don't know dude. Probably wouldn't happen." I cover my face so he doesn't realize I'm still laughing.

He gives a weird smile, it's in between fake or he's just entirely insane. I can't really tell.
I shrug it off and continue reading the book I had been reading, mostly just trying to pass time while I'm here.


Hey sorry it's not a very eventful chapter I didn't have a lot of time to write because I had track practice until 5:30 and I had a lot of homework :(( ily guys please vote:) comment!!! Follow me ;)

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