
640 28 4

It's kinda short again but that's only because I had a school dance tonight.


I feel sweat running down the side of my forehead as I'm being pulled into the hospital.
   It feels like my mind is slipping away into several different places. I don't know where it's at, what I'm thinking. God, I can't even think straight.
   I hear people whirring around like machines, but they're indistinct.

   My eyes are fully closed, but my arm keeps twitching. Loud beeping arises from a machine behind me.
"Alex?" Another voice sounds, it's not recognizable though.
   I move my head towards the voice, eyes still glued shut.
"You're okay." Who is this?
Hm? Yeah? No. I'm not okay.
   I roll back over on my side, only causing me to fall asleep.

   I lay on my bed, staring at the wall. I don't know what to do.
   Standing up, I pace around my room. Some one'll find me before I make a stupid move, right? Hopefully.
   My mind is in several different places. The thoughts are killing me alive and I just want it to stop.
I need it to stop.

I've been strong for too long, it's time to go.

   The memory piles back into my head and I jerk awake. Someone did find me. I'm not sure if I'm happy about it or not but at least they cared about me to check on me.

   I did make a stupid move, like I had said. It didn't work, so that's embarrassing.

   My eyes start to flutter close and I doze off.

I'm so tired.

gone man » alex standallWhere stories live. Discover now