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I was five years old. Mom brought me to school and left right away. It was my first day in a new town and I was scared. Children ran around the playground while I stood stiff in place.
The teacher had short curly black hair and had these metal-rimmed glasses that shone in the light.
I covered my eyes with my small hands and walked towards the school. The sun was bright, the sky showed minimal clouds. I stuck my hands in my red and blue jacket as I walked into the school.
I brought myself to the classroom I was supposed to be in, but everyone was outside for recess. The door kindly pushed open and revealed a room with desks and a SMART-board.
I turned the corner to find a row of cubbies. Searching for my name, I dragged my book bag behind me.
Finally, one at the far end had a sticker attached at the top that read "Alexander". I threw my book bag on the hook and set my lunch down on the shelf. I turned around to examine the room more carefully.
Each desk had a name tag.
"Rose" "Donald" "Ben" "Natalie"
Then finally, at the beginning of the third row, my name. I couldn't read well, only short words and my name.
Next to the door I had entered from was a bathroom. I've never seen something like that before. This school was nice. Especially only being in Kindergarten, it was amazing.

Just before I started to walk out the door, I heard sniffles, almost like someone was crying.
I followed the sounds that led to the bathroom.
"Hello?" Rang my small voice.
The door opened and shown a small boy with brown matted hair holding the handle.
"Sorry. I'll leave." His voice was a little bit deeper than mine. Tears ran down the boy's face.
"No." I smiled, "what's wrong?"
"My mom left me. It's my first day here and I don't know my way around here."
I pulled open the door a little more.
"Mine, too. I just moved here. It's okay." I noticed he had a pencil in his hand.
"Hi, my name is Alex" I voiced, "Alex Standall."

I had learned his name was Matthew. We played around outside after finding our way back outside. Children swung on the swingset and ran around the playground laughing. Matt and I talked about random stuff and laughed at eachother's silly faces.

At the end of the day, we smiled at each other and waved.

"Bye Alex!"

"Bye Matt."

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