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(PSA lol: I will not be updating every night, I will be updating every other day or every few days, maybe then I will be able to write longer chapters I hope. Thank you guys or sticking with me the whole time:)! )

Pulling my mother's car into the parking lot of the hospital, I turn off the engine.

I've been visiting Kian a lot more. Though he's been sick, he's been sleeping a lot.

   My left foot steps into the building first, then my right.
   I walk up to the desk and request to visit Kian.

"One minute," the lady at the desk swivels her black chair around, making a small squeak sound.
   She digs around in a drawer then turns back around with a familiar card in her hand.

   The lady hands it to me, like any normal day, then I make my way to the elevator.


   I open the door slowly, just in case he's asleep. And he is, but apparently I wasn't quiet enough.

   Kian flutters his eyes open and looks towards me.
   His face is pale, and his forehead is drenched with sweat.

"You don't look so good."  I say, setting my phone down on the table next to the bed.

"No, I know. Doctors said I'm really sick, but I'll live." He forces a smile, then laughs.

   My lips curl into a smile. I love his jokes.


I kick my feet downwards, grabbing my phone.

"Sorry, Kian. I have to go. I've got school tomorrow and tons of homework to do." Walking away to the door, I smile, but notice Kian already dozing off into a sleep.

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