"What got into you suddenly?" I asked him and he avoided my eyes. "Did something happen?"

"Nothing," he replied but I did not believe him. I insisted on knowing the truth and he finally gave in, "I just had a phone call with Greg before you arrived. Don't worry, it's nothing bad but he succeeded to annoy me."

"Since when did you start to phone call him?" I asked him, confused and he looked at me innocently.

"Since I gave him a dog for his birthday," he admitted and he did not let me time to reply to that, "But that's not the point of this whole talk. I'm worried for you. Trust me, I like Pierre. He's a good pal and I appreciate our little group moment together and I don't want it to end but something needs to happen. Your nearly kisses with him are counted as nothing."

"Well, you're really boosting my mood today, really," I told him sarcastically.

"Sorry but I needed to be honest with you. It has been bugging me for awhile," he admitted and I was surprised.  "Declan and Pierre, I'm waiting for it to happen since so long now. I'm getting old. Please, make it happen before I die."

I glared at him, "Okay, other than this, I came to see you for a particular reason. The day of the carnival is
closed and I still have no idea of how I'm going to take Pierre there. How am I going to ask his parents about it? I thought of kidnapping him but I already did that when we went to the zoo. Asking his parents directly too won't help me. They will say no for sure."

"I figured that you wouldn't have anything planned yet," he informed me and then he added, "That's why I had prepared a master plan for you."

"A master plan?" I repeated and he nodded before clearing his throat to tell me about the said 'master plan'. 

"You probably don't know but my mom and I, during each school break, we go out of town to have fun. It's our little tradition and it's normally her who chooses our destination but we made a deal together. She told me that if I get a job, I could choose where we would go. Well, I told her about the carnival."

I blinked, "You and your mom are coming to the carnival?"

"Yes," he replied and I opened my mouth to talk but he did not give me the chance to, "I'm not done. I also told her to bring Pierre and you with us. Before, my mom used to organize little trips with children, nothing really big, she would just take the kids somewhere not so far to have fun and then she would return them safe and sound to theirs parents. She's really involved in those activities. Pierre's parents know about that and they trust her. I'm sure that if she asks them, they will let Pierre come with us...and don't worry, once at the place, we won't bother you. My mom and I will go our separate way and you will be left alone with Pierre. The Lois won't know anything about it."

"You're a genius," I told him and I stood up to give him a hug. He let out a laugh at my sudden action. "Really, you are saving me right now. What would I have done without you? I can't even imagine. Thank you so much."

"No problem, dude," he said. "I'm happy to help. Plus, I will get to see a carnival. Just do something productive during our little trip, okay? Make it worth it and make something really happen. I wouldn't like to come back here with nothing changed between you and Pierre."

"I will make sure of it, don't worry," I promised him and I pulled away. 

"What about your parents though?" he asked me. "Will they let you go?"

"Oh, yeah. My mom informed me just this morning that everyone is going for a trip," I informed him. "She asked me if I wanted to come, even though, we both knew that she did not want me there and I said no. Luckily, they won't be present when I will have to take Pierre to the carnival. I'm free to do whatever I want."

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