Chapter 5: Welcome to Hell

Start from the beginning

"Why are you here?" I asked him, my voice coming out as a whisper even though I didn't intend it too. He sighed and ran his hand over his shaved head.

"I'm here to help you clean your claiming mark so it won't become infected." He told me, pointing to a bowl of steaming water that sat at the foot of the cot along with other medical supplies. "The werewolves wanted to send a human into talk to you since you seem to be a little...aggressive toward them. All of the other werewolves with female human mates were afraid to let then come in with you. My mate let me come because she figured since I was male you would have a harder time attacking me." he chuckled a little offering me a true smile this time, it lit up his whole face. I frowned at his comment.

"No offense but I could totally kick your ass. And I don't attack people." I grumbled. His smile lessened at his comment and once again he raised an eyebrow in warning. He stooped to pick up the bowl of water and a pair of scissors.

"I'm going to cut the shoulder of your t-shirt out so that I can get to your wound better, then I have some new clothes for you to put on." He informed me, already moving to the collar of my shirt at cutting it away from me.

                I let him wash my sore shoulder, trying not to groan as he flushed out the punctures and dressed them with a stinging salve, leaving it non-bandaged so that it could drain.  Then he handed me a pile of neatly folded clothes that matched the dark muted grey of his own.

"These should fit, before you complain about the color it is standard for our status."  He informed me passing over the faded boring clothes. We had a uniform? What are we the screwed over by monsters brigade?

"Thank you Kyrie." I whispered. He nodded.

"You're very welcome. Get dressed quickly after I leave. Your mate should be visiting soon." He said but his eyes added the rest as he raised an eyebrow at my naked arm. And you sure as hell want to be fully clothed when he gets here.

                I sat on the cot after I changed my clothes feeling sick, tried and extremely anxious. If I had any food in my belly I would have thrown it up by now but all I had done so far is retch up stomach acid which burnt my mouth and throat. The room was bigger than my room at home. The walls were stanch white and the floor was a marble green color tile which made me think of pool water that had grown algae. The only piece of furniture in the room was the cot and there was a toilet and sink in the corner but no mirror or partitions to keep it out of view from the rest of the room.  I had already folded my old bloodied and torn clothes and put them on the floor at the foot of the cot so I didn't have to look at them.

My thigh sheath was gone, my gun gone and my satchel nowhere in sight.

I took a deep breath in trying to calm the pounding of my heart.

There had to be a way out of this.

There had to be.

I would rather be dead that be the sex toy for one of these monsters and have to give birth to monster spawn.

 I would rather die.

 Maybe there was still some way I could tip the scale to where they would have to kill me? I sighed and shook my head. If I had already pulled a gun on and shot at a werewolf without being instantly put to death then I would have to actually kill one to be put on death row now. Without my weapons though the odds of that happening were slim, I had no fantasies about being able to fight hand to hand with a werewolf and win. I'm a realist before anything else. I would have to have a strategic and defensive advantage with an offensive measure to try to bridge the gap between their brute strength and my half-starved human muscles. And it wouldn't hurt to fight dirty.

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