43. Imagine that I'm...

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"Now I see how you treat the female population," he said more for himself than for me and I shrugged. "Who knows. Maybe I'm a girl in disguise."

"I honestly don't hope so. My whole life would turn out to be a big lie if that was the case," I told him and he looked at me curiously.

"No, I want to know. Think about it. What if I really was a girl in disguise? Would you stop loving me?" he persisted to know the truth and really, I was starting to get uncomfortable with this.

"I don't know," I exclaimed and he gave me an evil look. "You can't be a girl and I'm one hundred percent sure that you are not one. I won't even let myself imagine that you could be one because it really makes me want to puke and run away from you as far as possible."

He frowned, "So your feelings would go away, just like that? Won't you admit to yourself that you are maybe a tiny little bit straight?"

"There is that thing called bisexual, you know," I informed him, really troubled by all of this. "And I don't think that my feelings would disappear so easily because they are real and strong, like really strong and really real and-and-and let's stop talking about that!"

He laughed at that moment and I glared at him. That did not seem to be enough to stop his laughter and I decided to let him calm down before continuing our little game. Damn, he succeeded to make me feel really uncomfortable. I did not think that it was possible. Soon, his laughter died and he gave me a smile.

"Imagine that I'm a thirty year old man," I told him then and his smile immediately disappeared to be replaced with a pure expression of horror, "What will you do?" 

"Creepy, it's completely creepy," he said right away. "Come on, a thirty year old man coming after me is really worrying. I wouldn't have even let you come close to me."

"Please, my love for you would have been the same, I would just be older," I explained it to him but he did not seem convinced.

"First, that's illegal, second, my parents would have made sure that you get arrested and third, most of the conversations that we had would have never happened," he said and when I thought of it, I realized that yeah, he was right.

"Your turn," I simply told him.

"Okay, imagine that I'm..." he thought for a few seconds. "Imagine that I'm pregnant. What will you do?"

"What?" I gasped in disbelief and I let out a laugh. "Just what?!"

"Don't look at me like that. You told me to say the most unbelievable things," he defended himself, a cute expression on his face.

"Well, you can't get pregnant," I reminded him.

"I know. This is just an assumption, just a little imagine," he said and he chuckled. "I mean, it will be kind of weird for me to have a round little belly."

"That's awkward," I told him. "Even if, in some abnormal world, you could get pregnant, I wonder who would be the father."

"You maybe," he said quietly and my eyes nearly got out of their orbit. 

"Did-did you just-just-" I stopped and I took in a big breath to think of the words that I needed to say. "How did you succeed to say that without blushing?"

"It's not like if it would actually happen," he said with a frown.

"Yeah but having a baby is equal to having sex," I informed him. "In some way you just told me that we had sex and that now you are pregnant of my baby."

He seemed to process the words that I just told him and soon, his cheeks became as red as ever and he covered his face in shame. 

"Oh my god, what did I just say?" he asked himself. "I-just-please forget it. Please, please, just do it."

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