Aaron x Aphmau

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Aaron's POV

I was on a date alone with Aphmau, something we aren't able to do very much due to her mom and Katelyn. That's why I'm determined to make this day last!

We walked down the sidewalk holding hands, looking for something to do. "H-hey Aph, how 'bout that place? " With my free hand, I pointed to a stand with a colorful striped umbrella atop of it. "Oooo! Tacos! Yeah, lets go there!!" I laughed a little under my breath. She can be so cute... "W-woah..!" She pulls my hand as she drags me down the sidewalk, running towards the stand.

"Two tacos, please!" It was a more elderly man running the stand, so he moved quite slow. I see Aphmau dancing in her spot, excited to get the tacos. I smile at her as the man hands her both tacos. "Thank you!!" I pull out my wallet and hand him three singles. Aphmau turns to me and gives me one of the tacos. "Here ya go! One for me, one for you!" As soon as I hold onto the taco, Aphmau is already stuffing her face with her's. "Woah, Aph, slow down! You're gonna get heartburn!" Aphmau looks up at me with her chipmunk cheeks. "Heartburn, shmartburn! This is really good!!" I take a single bite of mine, realizing that she's already done. "Ahaha! What did I tell you?" I press my finger against the tip of her nose.

I noticed a nearby bench and we decided to sit on it so I could finish my taco. "Hmmm... are you almost done yet?" Aphmau was sitting next to me, swinging her legs underneath the bench. "Yup, just gotta throw away these napkins... here, give me yours." I kissed her forehead as I stood up, and brought our dirty napkins filled with taco scraps to a nearby garbage can to throw away. Once I did, I heard thunder close by. It suddenly gets dark, and I look up to see a large storm cloud over head. I run over to Aphmau and grab her hand. "A-Aaron, is everything okay?" "Y-yeah, but look at the huge clou-" I was cut off by the rain pouring over us. "Ah!" I hear Aphmau yelp from the cold drops suddenly hitting her back. "C'mon! Over here!" I take Aphmau to a hotel close-by, but by the time we get there, we're soaked from the rain.

"It doesn't look like the storm is gonna pass by anytime soon... maybe we should just wait it out here?"

We're standing in the lobby of the hotel, and I see Aphmau shivering from just standing in her soaked clothes. I hesitantly put my arm around her shoulder, hoping to bring some kind of warmth.

Aphmau's POV

Aaahh... why is it so cold?! I suddenly feel Aaron put his arm around my shoulder, and I pick my head up to give him a bright smile as to say "thank you", but once I do I see that he's trying to hide his blushing face by looking away from me. I couldn't help but giggle a little at this. I just rest my head on his side and enjoy his comforting warmth.

Aaron's POV

"U-uh... excuse me..." Gah..! Why do I always have to be so shy around people?! Just ask for the room, Aaron! "...Can I please get a room for my girlfriend and I?" The lady at the desk brightly smiles at me, then glances towards Aphmau. Oh no... she probably thinks... GAH! No Aaron- don't think like that! It's just so we can get changed and wash these clothes... yeah... "Uh, sir? Helloooo..? You're room's ready." "Huh? Oh! Yeah, s-sorry! Just... lost in my thoughts!" I nervously laugh after my awkward statement, and the receptionist returns a look of concern. I just grab the room key and Aphmau's hand as I speed walk out of there.

"Now... what room number is it?" I mumble under my breath. I tend to do that a lot... "Hmm... looks like room 314!" Aphmau is on her tippy toes trying to see the key that I'm holding up to read. "Guess we're going to floor three!" Aphmau says this as she pushes the button for the third floor. Ding! The door opens and we step onto the carpeted hallway, leaving a trail of wet footprints from the elevator. "Once we get in the room, we can undress and put our clothes in the dryer downstairs. I'll still be in shorts, so I can bring them down and you can wait in the room." "Sounds like a plan, man!"

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